Alternatives to Violence Project (18-20 August 2023)

All Souls is hosting an Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) Basic Workshop with facilitators Kathy Osuch, Susan Yellott, and Bob Jordan.

Here are the dates / times for this workshop:

  • Friday, 18 August 2023 // 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday, 19 August 2023 // 9:00 AM – 12:15 PM //  1:15 PM – 5:00 PM //  6:00 PM- 9:30 PM
  • Sunday, 20 August 2023  // 4:00 PM – 8:30 PM

This is an experiential workshop designed to change the way we deal with conflict and will be three full days of moving through the pillars of AVP:

  • Affirmation and Communication
  • Cooperation
  • Community Building
  • Transforming Power

This workshop is free and open to the public although donations to the church will be graciously accepted.

Registration Link Here

More info about AVP International Here

If you have any questions or need more information, contact Kathy Osuch  by email, phone, or text.

Nature Print T-Shirts — Summer Activities for Children and Youth (23 July 2023)

During the summer, our children and youth participate in various fun artistic and creative activities.

On this Sunday (23 July 2023), our children and youth will collect natural items on a brief walk outdoors, then use them to make creative bleach print t-shirts with Ash McLain.

Kids should bring a black or dark colored t-shirt for best effect.  We will have a few extra shirts on hand but bringing their own shirt insures that they will get the size and style they want.

Come check out this artistic activity after the worship service.

Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education — 23 July 2023

Please join us on Sunday (23 July 2023) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

For that week, we will continue our discussion of Patrice Cullor’s An Abolitionist’s Handbook.  We will continue discussing this one chapter and our overall impressions of this book:

  • Step 12 — Fight the U.S. State rather than make it stronger

Meditation with Larry Androes (22 July 2023)

Please join us on Saturday (22 July 2023) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

Please note that this group is still meeting via Zoom.  You will need to contact Larry for the Zoom link information using the contact information at the end of this post.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.

Painting Project, Part II — Summer Activities for Children and Youth (16 July 2023)

During the summer, our children and youth participate in various fun artistic and creative activities.

On this Sunday (16 July 2023), the brilliantly creative Maggie Molisee is back to continue with the new painting project they started last Sunday.

Kids should wear clothing that can risk getting some paint on them — this is a good practice for many of our summer activities.

Come check out this project after the worship service.

Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education — 16 July 2023

Please join us on Sunday (16 July 2023) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

For that week, we will continue our discussion of Patrice Cullor’s An Abolitionist’s Handbook.  We will be discussing this one chapter and our overall impressions of this book:

  • Step 12 — Fight the U.S. State rather than make it stronger

Meditation with Larry Androes (15 July 2023)

Please join us on Saturday (15 July 2023) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

Please note that this group is still meeting via Zoom.  You will need to contact Larry for the Zoom link information using the contact information at the end of this post.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.

Painting Project — Summer Activities for Children and Youth (9 July 2023)

During the summer, our children and youth participate in various fun artistic and creative activities.

On this Sunday (9 July 2023), the brilliantly creative Maggie Molisee is back with a new painting project.

Kids should wear clothing that can risk getting some paint on them — this is a good practice for many of our summer activities.

Come check out this project after the worship service.


Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education — 9 July 2023

Please join us on Sunday (9 July 2023) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

For that week, we will continue our discussion of Patrice Cullor’s An Abolitionist’s Handbook.  We will be discussing this one chapter:

  • Step 12 — Fight the U.S. State rather than make it stronger

Meditation with Larry Androes (8 July 2023)

Please join us on Saturday (8 July 2023) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

Please note that this group is still meeting via Zoom.  You will need to contact Larry for the Zoom link information using the contact information at the end of this post.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.