Samhain Ritual (30 October 2021)

Please join us on Saturday (30 October 2021) at 3:00 PM for a Samhain Ritual with the Thistle Grove of Ár nDraíocht Féin (a Druid Fellowship).

Thistle Grove invites us to their ritual in celebration of Samhain (pronounced SAH-win) — an ancient Celtic festival of the dead that is the source of many of our Halloween traditions — but is not the same as Halloween.

Samhain on the Druid calendar is the turning of the year — a time for remembrance and reverence of the dead.

Though family-friendly and welcoming to all, the ritual is a more solemn occasion than a Halloween celebration and will include a speaking of the names of those who have died.

We invite you to honor your own departed loved ones as you participate in this spiritual ritual and learning experience.

Masks are required as well as distancing to the extent possible.


Meditation with Larry Androes (23 October 2021)

Please join us on Saturday (23 October 2021) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.


No 17 October 2021 Adult Religious Education Class — Class Resumes 24 October 2021

Our weekly adult religious education class is taking a break this Sunday (17 October 2021).

We will resume our Sunday morning classes next Sunday (24 October 2021) at 9:00 AM.

At that time, the group will review and reevaluate the anti-racism work we have done so far and determine how we want to move forward.

And — for those who wanted them — copies of the book Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad should be after 25 October 2021.  Watch for information on how and when you can pick one up.


Children and Youth Religious Education Updates

Families — we hear you and realize how done you are with Zoom.

We will continue to watch the local COVID numbers and we feel encouraged by the cooling weather and the possibility of comfortable outdoor activities.

We hope to have news about some outdoor activities for children and youth soon.

Keep the faith.


Meditation with Larry Androes (16 October 2021)

Please join us on Saturday (16 October 2021) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.


Children and Youth Religious Education Updates

Families — we hear you and realize how done you are with Zoom.

We will continue to watch the local COVID numbers and we feel encouraged by the cooling weather and the possibility of comfortable outdoor activities.

We hope to have news about some outdoor activities for children and youth soon.

Keep the faith.


No 10 October 2021 Adult Religious Education Class — Class Resumes 24 October 2021

Our weekly adult religious education class is taking a break this Sunday (10 October 2021) and next Sunday (17 October 2021).

We will resume our Sunday morning classes on Sunday, 24 October 2021, at 9:00 AM.

At that time, the group will review and reevaluate the anti-racism work we have done so far and determine how we want to move forward.

And — for those who wanted them — copies of the book Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad should be in some time this week.  Watch for information on how and when you can pick one up.


Meditation with Larry Androes (9 October 2021)

Please join us on Saturday (9 October 2021) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.


Children and Youth Religious Education Updates

Families — we hear you and realize how done you are with Zoom.

We will continue to watch the local COVID numbers and we feel encouraged by the cooling weather and the possibility of comfortable outdoor activities.

We hope to have news about some outdoor activities for children and youth soon.

Keep the faith.


Online Adult Religious Education — 3 October 2021

Please join us on Sunday (3 October 2021) at 9:00 AM for our adult religious education class via Zoom.

This Sunday — “A Guide to the 2021 Louisiana Constitutional Amendments” with guest speaker Dr. David Lindenfeld.

Join us as we welcome David Lindenfeld — a fellow Unitarian Universalist from the Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge, retired LSU history professor, and Together Louisiana leader.

As chair of the Tax Fairness Team of Together Baton Rouge, he has been “plumbing the depths of Louisiana tax policy since 2019.”

FYI — the post-Hurricane Ida revised election date is now 13 November 2021.

Early voting will be from 30 October 2021 through 6 November 2021.

A statewide “quick facts” PDF guide on the upcoming election can be found here.

A PDF guide to the proposed amendments can be found here.
