On Wednesday (30 May 2012), the Middle School and High School Classes will see Bully at the Robinson Film Center (617 Texas Street). Please meet us between 7:00 and 7:15 PM in the lobby at the Robinson. And please contact Susan Caldwell (318-465-3398) if you need transportation.
This documentary film follows 5 youth and their families over the course of a school year. The stories include 2 families who have lost children to suicide and a mother awaiting the fate of her 14-year-old daughter who has been incarcerated after bringing a gun on her school bus. This intimate glimpse into homes, classrooms, cafeterias and principals’ offices offers insight into the often cruel world of the lives of bullied children. As teachers, administrators, kids and parents struggle to find answers, the dire consequences of bullying through the testimony of strong and courageous youth is examined. Through the power of their stories, the film aims to be a catalyst for change in the way we deal with bullying as parents, teachers, children and society as a whole. The film is rated PG-13.
The Religious Education program will pay admission for the youth to attend this film and afterward we’ll stay for dessert and discussion at Abby Singer’s Bistro.