12 August 2012 Worship Service

Please join this Sunday (12 August 2012) for our 11:00 AM worship service.  This week’s service is our annual Water Communion Service.

Please bring a small container of water from your summer experiences or travels — whether far away or right in your own backyard.  We will briefly share our stories as we come together to join our waters into a common bowl.

Each year, we boil, filter and freeze this water and add it to water from preceding years for use at child dedications and other water rituals throughout the church year.

The theme of water continues after the service with our annual End-of-Summer Swim Party and Potluck at the home of Laurie Lyons and Henry Walker (441 Drexel Drive, Shreveport LA).

Laurie and Henry are once again graciously opening their home to the congregation.  Follow the link to a map or pick up a map and directions in the foyer at church.  All ages, long-time members and first-time visitors are all welcome.

Bring your swimsuits to church that day, bring a dish to share, and join us at Laurie and Henry’s after the worship service for a different kind of “water communion.”  Non-swimmers are also welcome too.

Burgers, hot dogs, and veggie burgers and dogs and the trimmings will be provided by the Religious Education Committee.

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