Please join us on Friday evening (15 February 2013) and on Saturday (16 February 2013) for Welcoming Diversity with Carrie Stewart.
Modeled on the Prejudice Reduction Workshops of the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI), this workshop will cover the following objectives:
- To celebrate similarities and differences,
- To recognize the misinformation that people have learned about various groups,
- To identify and heal from internalized oppression-the discrimination members of an oppressed group target at themselves and each other,
- To claim pride in group identity,
- To understand the personal impact of discrimination through the telling of stories, and
- To learn hands-on tools for dealing effectively with bigoted comments and behavior.
The workshop will happen on Friday (15 February 2013) from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM and Saturday (16 February 2013) from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Working from the understanding that “Guilt is the glue that cements prejudice in place,” this workshop teaches us ways to move forward in a positive and affirming way.
A Suggested Donation of $50.00 includes snacks both days and a sandwich lunch on Saturday. Please do not let money be a barrier to being a part of this workshop — we mean it when we say “suggested donation.”
As the Owner and Principal of One World Consulting, Carrie has served various communities and organizations in their quest for greater understanding, and inclusion of diverse individuals.
A lifelong Unitarian Universalist, Carrie has been a child, youth, member and friend of 13 congregations in 5 districts.
She currently serves as a Southwest District and Southern Region Consultant specializing in anti-racism, anti-oppression and multiculturalism, conflict transformation, leadership, Compassionate Communication and Healthy Congregations.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in American Studies from Smith College, and a Masters in Communication from Rutgers University. Carrie and her spouse are raising two third generation UU teens in Colleyville, TX where they enjoy movies,theater, music, Saturday Night Live, travel (especially to water), and their two dogs.