Please join us Monday evening (4 March 2013) from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM for this Shreveport Celebration of Women Week Event, sponsored by Louisiana Women for Progress and Planned Parenthood.
The guest speakers for this event are Melissa Flournoy, Rachel Scott and Eileen Velez.
The 2012 election once again placed policies impacting women’s lives front and center in the national debate. When issues such as rape and re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act are used for political fodder, it is easy to see why there is talk of a war on women.
How can we elevate issues important to women’s lives above the short term fray of an election cycle?
Come discuss how we can lead the way to informed conversations on equal pay for equal work, access to contraception, and a range of topics that have too often been manipulated as wedge issues.
Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served — No RSVP required.