We will be hosting “Enneagram II: Integration and Spirituality” on Friday (14 March 2014) and Saturday (15 March 2014):
- Friday — 6:30 PM – 9:15 PM
- Saturday — 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
“Now that I have my number, what do I do with it?”
About the Workshop — Early in Christianity, ascetics would seek solitude in the desert, believing that knowledge of themselves was essential to knowing and understanding the presence of God within them. The great mystics-St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, etc., called for an inner journey of self-discovery necessary for discovering the divine presence and action of God within the human soul.
The Enneagram is a tool for discernment, designed to increase our ability to accept the personal mystery and to answer the question “Why do I do these things?” We are never free until we are free from ourselves, and the Enneagram is a path to that freedom, providing a road map of the places where we get stuck, a deeper understanding of our tendencies, preferences and compulsions, and a guide to integration of our three energy centers: the head, the heart and the gut, or instincts.
The workshop includes:
- Appropriate and inappropriate uses of energy centers
- Paths of disintegration and integration (wholeness)
- Overcoming compulsions
- Traps and Holy Ideas
- Conversion for Each Enneagram Number
Prerequisite is attendance at a Basic Enneagram Workshop or a fairly good grasp of Enneagram theory from reading and a pretty good idea of what your Enneagram number might be.
You can access The Enneagram Institute and take the RHETI (Riso Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator) to aid in determining your Enneagram personality type. The link will take you the RHETI Sampler, which is a short, free version of the complete test.
Registration fee of $85.00 includes all workshop materials and lunch on Saturday. To register, pick up a registration form in the foyer, or you can call the office from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Tuesday-Friday and register by phone at 318-868-3313.
An event flyer can be downloaded here.
For more information, you may email Susan Caldwell or call her at 318-465-3427.