Children’s Water Play Event Cancelled (15 August 2021)

With apologies to all who were looking forward to a fun and creative art activity, we have decided to indefinitely postpone the afternoon of water balloon play we had planned for Sunday (15 August 2021) at the church.

We’ve made this decision for several reasons:

  • Low and mixed response to our survey gauging interest in this event
  • Updates from the Louisiana Department of Health telling us that the current surge will still be increasing for the next few weeks
  • Close proximity of the school year starting
  • The highly transmissibility of the Delta COVID-19 variant combined with the vulnerability of our younger children who cannot yet be vaccinated

Given all these factors, we realized that it would be irresponsible to bring people together for any additional reason even with all the safety precautions we had planned.

Again apologies for the dashed hopes and disappointments.


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