No Online Adult Religious Education on 26 December 2021 and 2 January 2022 — Class Resumes 9 January 2022

For this Sunday (26 December 2021) and next Sunday (2 January 2022), our adult religious education class is taking a holiday break.

On 9 January 2022, we will resume our discussion of the podcast episodes Learning How to See with Rev. Brian McLaren, Father Richard Rohr, and Rev. Jacqui Lewis.

They are discussing the 13 kinds of bias that Rev. Barbara mentioned recently in a sermon.

The group felt that this series would keep us in the realm of our anti-racism work while also being topically relevant to our pillar on Jewish and Christian heritage as these three Christian leaders discuss our tendency toward these biases from a faith-based perspective.

Although we may play short excerpts during class, we are encouraging people to listen on their own between sessions.

For 9 January 2022 — Season 2, Episode 4 — “Boxes Within Boxes”

You can find all episodes of the podcast here.

If you have a smart speaker or other smart device from Google or Amazon, you can ask it to “play the podcast Learning How to See, Season 2, Episode 4.”

Be sure to use those specific words — if you just say the name of the podcast, you might get the latest episode from Season 2 instead.

If you are using an Apple device with Siri, you can ask Siri to “search for podcast Learning How to See” to find this episode and all other episodes released so far in Learning How to See.


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