Pledge to Vote Potluck (22 September 2024)

The All Souls “Pledge to Vote” potluck is happening this Sunday (22 September 2024) immediately after the 11:00 AM worship service.

Bring a dish to share (or just show up – we usually have plenty at our potluck lunches) and join us as we kick off Together Louisiana’s statewide Pledge to Vote campaign at All Souls.

Pledge to Vote is a person-to-person voter mobilization effort that has proven to increase voter turnout by up to 54%, with particular success increasing participation among so-called “casual voters.”

We do realize that most All Souls members are anything but “casual” about voting.  You may be thinking “I vote every time — why do I need to take the pledge?”

By taking the pledge and then following through and voting, you become part of a large and broad coalition of active voters who can let our elected leaders know that we are paying attention and we vote.

You are welcome to take the pledge ahead of time online or bring a dish this Sunday and share a meal with us to learn more and take the pledge together.


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