
1 October 2017 All-Ages Worship Service — Blessing of the Animals

Please join us on Sunday (1 October 2017) at 11:00 AM for “Keeping Faith with Animals” — our annual “Blessing of the Animals” worship service.

Please join us for this service where we celebrate our shared home in the interdependent web with our furry, finned, four-legged, flying, crawling, hopping or slithering friends.

You are invited to bring your pets into the sanctuary to share this service with us.

Please do confine your pets on a leash or in a carrier as the most seemingly docile animals can react differently in strange surroundings.

If your pet will do better staying home and being blessed from afar, feel free to bring a stuffed animal or photograph (beloved stuffed animals absolutely count in their own right).

The service also includes a memorial portion in which we call the names of pets loved and lost.


Adult Religious Education — 1 October 2017

Please join us on Sunday (1 October 2017) at 9:15 AM as we continue in the spirit of the #uuwhitesupremacyteachin that we started on 30 April 2017.

This Sunday, we take up the remaining chapters — Chapter 44 (“Listening”), Chapter 45 (“Normalizing Race Talk”), Chapter 46 (“Whole Again”), and the last chapter (“Tell Me What to Do!”).


24 September 2017 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (24 September 2017) at 11:00 AM for “Keeping It Alive” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

We are continuing our season in celebration of Unitarian Universalist history, tradition, heritage, and — most importantly — the changing face of our Living Tradition that seeks to honor the past as we live in the present and work to shape a better future for all.

Our “Give Away the Plate” this Sunday will benefit the Queensborough Progressive Citizens who are working to improve the overall quality of life in the Queensborough neighborhood of Shreveport.

They are raising funds for the Huntington High School Robotics Team.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 24 September 2017

Please join us on Sunday (24 September 2017) at 9:15 AM as we continue in the spirit of the #uuwhitesupremacyteachin that we started on 30 April 2017.

We will discuss the next four chapters — Chapter 40 (“Bull in a China Shop”), Chapter 41 (“From Bystander to Ally”), Chapter 42 (“Solidarity and Accountability”), and Chapter 43 (“From Tolerance to Engagement”).


17 September 2017 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (17 September 2017) at 11:00 AM for “Home in a Community of Seekers” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  This is our annual homecoming service.

Whether you have been a longtime member, a member who hasn’t attended in awhile, a former member or a friend; we want you to come home and to feel at home in this covenanted community where love will always call us back.

We will be recognizing new members and honoring those members who have reached the 25 year mark.  Please come and join us in celebrating them.

We will have a potluck lunch immediately following the service.  Please bring a dish to share and join us for the celebration. If you can help with setup or cleanup, please call or text Amanda Lawrence at 318-402-3314.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Beyond Galilee Screening — 17 September 2017

Please join us on Sunday (17 September 2017) at 6:00 PM for a screening of the documentary Beyond Galilee.

In August of 1958, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was invited to Shreveport, Louisiana to deliver a speech at the Galilee Baptist Church as part of a voter registration workshop.  Beyond Galilee explores how the Civil Rights movement evolved in Shreveport in the years that followed — highlighting the key events of the movement in Shreveport through the testimonies of the actual participants supplemented by news footage, rare audio, home movies and photos from the era.  Beyond Galilee chronicles a vital part of Shreveport’s history and provides much needed insight and perspective into the city’s role in the national Civil Rights movement (summary from IMDb page for this documentary).


Adult Religious Education — 17 September 2017

Please join us on Sunday (17 September 2017) at 9:15 AM as we continue in the spirit of the #uuwhitesupremacyteachin that we started on 30 April 2017.

We will discuss the next four chapters — Chapter 36 (“The Dominant White Culture”), Chapter 37 (“Boxes and Ladders”), Chapter 38 (“The Rugged Individual”), and Chapter 39 (“Equality Starts with Equity”).
