
1 May 2016 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (1 May 2016) at 11:00 AM for “Righteous Among the Nations” by Susan Caldwell.

The title refers to the distinction bestowed posthumously by Yad Vashem (the World Holocaust Remembrance Center) upon Waitstill and Martha Sharp for their work with the Unitarian Service Committee arranging safe passage for Jewish refugees out of Third Reich Countries.

They are two of only three Americans so honored.

MarthaAndWaitstillSharp(Photo from UU World article “Righteous among the nations” published 5 June 2006)

On this day when Shreveport observes its own Holocaust Remembrance Service, Susan Caldwell is in the pulpit this morning to tell their story and to look at its implications for all of us in this Season of the Earthling (celebrating our connection to all life in the interdependent web).

Shreveport’s annual Holocaust Remembrance Service is a multi-faith service held each year in a different house of worship in the community.

This year’s service is at St. Mary of the Pines Catholic Church at 3:00 PM on Sunday (1 May 2016).

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service — children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 1 May 2016

spiritualgrowth_8spheresPlease join us this Sunday (1 May 2016) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Spirit in Practice.”

Our series continues with a session on justice practice.

One of the essential errors of the spiritual life is to assume that spiritual growth and social justice are an “either / or” proposition.

Just as body practice and life practice have taught us that there is really no separation between our spiritual lives and our daily lives, justice practice teaches us that, to quote the Rev. Mark Morrison-Reed:

There is a connectedness, a relationship discovered amid the particulars of our own lives and the lives of others. Once felt, it inspires us to act for justice.



Trapped Documentary Screening (30 April 2016)

Please join us on Saturday (30 April 2016) at 7:00 PM for Trapped — a documentary on “Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers” (TRAP) laws and their effects on reproductive justice (link for trailer).



Since 2010, 288 Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws have been passed by conservative state legislatures.  Unable to comply with these excessive and medically unnecessary measures, clinics have taken their fight to the courts.

As the U.S. Supreme Court decides in 2016 whether individual states may essentially outlaw abortion (Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt), Trapped follows the struggles of the clinic workers and lawyers who are on the front lines of a battle to keep abortion safe and legal for millions of American women.

Trapped is a feature-length documentary from director Dawn Porter, whose previous work includes Gideon’s Army (the Emmy and Independent Spirit Award-nominated film about public defenders in the Deep South) and Rise: The Promise of My Brother’s Keeper.

Trapped selected All Souls as a community screening site in March 2016 and — with the support of Hope Medical Group for Women, Shreveport-Bossier National Organization for Women (NOW), and several private donors — the screening license was fully funded in less than 24 hours.

This event is free and limited to 60 seats.  Child care is available upon request. The movie runs 1 hour, 21 minutes.

You may reserve seats and child care in advance by emailing



24 April 2016 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (24 April 2016) at 11:00 AM for “Opening to What’s More” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service — children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 24 April 2016

spiritualgrowth_8spheresPlease join us this Sunday (24 April 2016) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Spirit in Practice.”

Our series continues with a session on life practice.

Of all the practices we are exploring in this series, life practice is the one most completely integrated into the way we live our daily lives. It encompasses all our day-to-day decisions — how we prioritize our time and resources, the work and leisure activities we choose, and (in this week of Earth Day) the ways in which we are stewards of our planet.


17 April 2016 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

EarthPlease join us on Sunday (17 April 2016) at 11:00 AM for “The Home We Share with All Living Things” with Rovena Windsor, Kathy Osuch, and Cindy Mandarino.

This past Friday (22 April 2016) marks the 46th annual celebration of Earth Day.

Earth Day originally begun as an environmental teach-in by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970.

Join us for this Sunday’s service in celebration of the occasion as three of our members speak on the different ways that a connection to the Earth has shaped their own spirituality.

And join us afterward in the Social Hall for vegan/vegetarian potluck — bring your favorite meatless dishes to share.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service — children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


No Adult Religious Education Class This Sunday (17 April 2016)

spiritualgrowth_8spheresThere will be no adult religious education class this Sunday (17 April 2016).

The “Spirit in Practice” class will resume next Sunday (24 April 2016) at 9:15 AM with an exploration of life practice.

Of all the practices we are exploring in this series, life practice is the one most completely integrated into the way we live our daily lives.  It encompasses all our day-to-day decisions — how we prioritize our time and resources, the work and leisure activities we choose, and (in this week of Earth Day) the ways in which we are stewards of our planet.


10 April 2016 All-Ages Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (10 April 2015) at 11:00 AM for “I Cannot Do Everything, But I Can Do Something” presented by the children, youth, and adults of All Souls.


ICannotDoEverything-StarfishInspired by the words of Edward Everett Hale (often attributed to Helen Keller who did live them whether she originally said them or not), this morning’s service celebrates our pillar on peace, social justice and the interdependent web along with our sixth and seventh principles.

Our connection to each other and all life calls us to do what we can do for the good of all whatever that may be.

Children in the 2nd-5th Grade Class and Middle/High School youth should meet their teachers in their respective classrooms at 10:30 AM.


Adult Religious Education — 10 April 2016

spiritualgrowth_8spheresPlease join us this Sunday (10 April 2016) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Spirit in Practice”

Our series continues with a session on soul practice.

Soul practices are all of the ways we express ourselves creatively.

Writing, drawing or painting, music and dance are just a few forms of creative practice, but people can also act creatively when they cook, garden, decorate a home, and do all sorts of other things.

Come and find ways in which you may already be living a creative life.


3 April 2016 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

CaringPlease join us this Sunday (3 April 2016) at 11:00 AM for “A Legacy of Caring” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

This morning’s message is inspired by this poem by Unitarian Universalist minister and theologian Thandeka.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service — children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.
