
Adult Religious Education — 10 January 2016

Please join us on Sunday (10 January 2016) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class —  “Introduction to Integral Spirituality” (part 1 of a 3 part series).

In response to a request for more focus on spiritual growth, we will watch this video exploring an approach to spiritual development that crosses the boundaries between our spiritual paths and our concepts of the divine or lack thereof.

We will watch a video presentation by Ken Wilber followed by a group discussion.

Facilitators — Rev. Barbara Jarrell and Susan Caldwell.


3 January 2016 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

AllSoulsChoirPlease join us on Sunday (3 January 2016) at 11:00 AM for “Grow Into Harmony … ” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service — children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 3 January 2016

On Sunday (3 January 2016) at 9:15 AM, we will explore “After The New Jim Crow:  What’s Next?”

By request of the group (having finished our reading and study of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color-Blindness by Michelle Alexander) we will have a group discussion of where we go from here and what we can do as a congregation to call attention to the issue of mass incarceration and help to dismantle the racialized caste system that has resulted from its practice.

We will also look at future options for adult religious education.


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service — 24 December 2015

XmasEveCandlesPlease join us tonight (Thursday, 24 December 2015) at 6:30 PM for our annual Christmas Eve service that includes a reading of the Christmas story as well as special music and carol singing.

Please bring the children by 6:00 as they have a special part at the beginning of the service.

All children are welcome in the sanctuary for this service — nursery care is available for infants and toddlers.


Mitten Tree for Maggie Lee

PrintDon’t forget to bring mittens, socks, gloves, hats, scarves and other warm outerwear to decorate our Mitten Tree for Maggie Lee’s Closet — the children’s clothes closet at Highland Center Ministries.

The Mitten Tree will be in the Social Hall to make room for our guest musicians in the sanctuary, but it’s not too late to add a little more warmth for the kids who go to Maggie Lee’s Closet.


20 December 2015 All-Ages Worship

Holiday_LightsPlease join us on Sunday (20 December 2015) at 11:00 AM for “The Gifts We Bring” — an all-ages worship.

The season of light is also the season of giving — yet the kind of giving encouraged by our consumerist society can leave many of us feeling not only depressed and inadequate but broke as well.

Join the children, youth and adults of All Souls for this Winter Holiday celebration of the gifts we can all learn to give, and to receive. The All Souls Choir will sing.

Please join us after the service for our all-ages holiday party.


BOLT Training — 19 December 2015

BOLT_ChalicePlease join us on Saturday (19 December 2015) at 11:30 AM for BOLT Training (BOLT = “Bearers of Light and Tradition”).

Our BOLTs are children and youth entrusted each Sunday with the lighting of the chalice and the reading and candle lighting celebrating the principles and sources we are lifting up during each season of our Unitarian Universalist liturgical year.

Children and youth of middle elementary grades through high school age are welcome to become BOLTs.

Requirements include reading and the ability and willingness to follow instructions and learn good techniques for speaking into the microphone, lighting the chalice, using the long candle lighter, and appropriate demeanor in the pulpit.
