
15 September 2013 Worship Service and Religious Education Classes

Please join us on Sunday (15 September 2013) at 10:30 AM for our Worship Service — “Beginning the Search Responsibly:  A Step Toward Wholeness” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

At 9:30 AM, we will also continue on with our all-ages religious education classes for focusing on Unitarian Universalist identity and theology. Continue reading “15 September 2013 Worship Service and Religious Education Classes”


8 September 2013 Worship Service and Religious Education Classes


Please join us on Sunday (8 September 2013) at 10:30 AM for our Homecoming Worship Service.  The service’s title is “This I Believe” and the theme it will address is our free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

In this service, you will hear the personal credo statements of three All Souls members:

  • Sarah Boswell
  • Claudia Harris
  • Richard Denton

We will also honor nine of our members who have been members for 25 years or longer.  We will also have an ingathering of new members.

The All Souls Choir will sing and the children and youth will remain in the sanctuary to take part in the service.  Join us in the Social Hall following the service for a brief reception and a birthday celebration for one of the youngest of our community — Everly Gibson.

On Sunday at 9:30 AM, we will also continue on with our all-ages religious education classes for focusing on Unitarian Universalist identity and theology.

Continue reading “8 September 2013 Worship Service and Religious Education Classes”


1 September 2013 Worship Service and Religious Education Classes

Please join us on Sunday (1 September 2013) at 10:30 AM for “Laboring for More Than Love” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  The All Souls Choir will sing; the children and youth will remain in the sanctuary to take part in this service.

And please join us at 9:00 AM for our Religious Education (RE) classes for children, youth, and adults.  Our classes and worship for all ages will begin the year with a focus on our Unitarian Universalist History, Heritage, Identity, and Theology:

  • Adult RE Class:  Broadening Our Unitarian Universalist Understanding — Deepening Our Journey — Historical perspectives on our faith combined with interactive exercises to help you integrate and articulate your UU experience.
  • RE Classes for children and youth focusing on our Unitarian Universalist Identity

We will still provide nursery care for both RE classes and worship as well as an activity time during the 10:30 AM worship for children under age 7.


BOLT Training for Children and Youth

BOLT (Bearers of Light and Tradition) training for children and youth — Saturday (31 August 2013) at 1:00 PM (during the Paint Party).

Because our worship services now involve our entire multi-generational community each week, we will be seeking to involve more of our children and youth in the worship experience in ways befitting their ages, abilities and interests.

To that end, we plan to offer a second training this Saturday that will cover these various ceremonial tasks of worship:

  • Lighting candles for the Principles and Sources
  • Lighting the chalice
  • Speaking into the microphone /reading the chalice words and other readings
  • Taking the offering (Serving with our adult ushers)
  • Passing out orders of service / Greeting our members and guests (Serving with our adult greeters)

Parents, please encourage your children to take part in this session.  They will need to take the training before they can participate in the service in these ways.  We would like to make our worship services as much a community experience as possible.

If they are interested in the training but cannot make this session, don’t worry, we will do it again.


31 August 2013 Paint Party — Part II

PaintPartyAllSoulsThe All Souls Paint Party Part Deux is happening on Saturday (31 August 2013) at 10:00 AM.  It’s time to put the second coat on the hallway — We have the paint and supplies on hand — We just need the volunteers.

Wear your painting clothes.  Food will be provided.  Let us know if you will need child care.

Please advise the office if you are coming so we will have enough supplies and food.  Please bring painting supplies (brushes, drop cloths, rollers, trays, etc.) if you have them.


25 August 2013 Sunday Religious Education Classes and Worship Service

Please join us at 9:00 AM for Religious Education classes for Children, Youth, and Adults.  Our classes will begin the year with a focus on our Unitarian Universalist History, Heritage, Identity, and Theology.

And please stay for our 10:30 AM Worship — “Words and Deeds of Prophetic Women and Men – Part II: The Women” where we will hear dramatic presentations of Katarzyna Weiglowa, Olympia Brown, Viola Liuzzo, and our special guest Alice Mae Wilkinson.

The All Souls Choir will sing, and the children and youth will remain in the sanctuary to take part in the service.


18 August 2013 Worship Service

NewEggPlease join us on Sunday (18 August 2013) at 10:30 AM for “A Good Starting Place” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  The All Souls Choir will sing, and the children and touth will remain in the sanctuary to take part in the service.

Our Sunday morning schedule for worship and religious education has changed — please read more about these changes here and here.


Starting 18 August 2013 — New Worship and Religious Education Schedule

Starting Sunday (18 August 2013), we will have a new worship and religious education schedule for Sunday morning:

  • 9:00 AM – Religious Education classes for Children, Youth and Adults — Classes and worship for all ages will begin the year with a focus on our Unitarian Universalist History, Heritage, Identity, and Theology.
  • 10:30 AM Worship for All — We will still provide nursery care for both hours, as well as an activity time during the 10:30 worship for children under 7.

In implementing this change, we are seeking to provide a more complete worship and learning experience for all our community that takes place at a time when most of us are together at the church, and to create a more intentionally multi-generational community.
