
Religious Education for All Ages (6 April 2014)

UnderstandingTheBiblePlease join us on Sunday (6 April 2014) at 9:00 AM for Religious Education for All Ages.

Our Adult class will continue Understanding the Bible:  A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals (based on the book of the same name by Rev. John Buehrens).

This week we will conclude our Bible series with an exploration of Paul and his influence on the early Jesus movement. Biblical readings are from Galatians.  Readings in the Buehrens book are the chapters “Incarnations” and “Salvations.”

Religious Education for Children and Youth will continue our pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.  Focusing on our Second, Sixth, and Seventh Principles and our Second Source; the Children and Youth will begin their pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.  You can find our UUA Principles and Sources here.

Religious Education for All Ages (30 March 2014)

UnderstandingTheBiblePlease join us on Sunday (30 March 2014) at 9:00 AM for Religious Education for All Ages.

Our Adult class will continue Understanding the Bible:  A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals (based on the book of the same name by Rev. John Buehrens).

This week, we continue our exploration of the Christian Testament moving on to the Birth narratives in the Gospels:

If time permits, we will start on the Letter of Paul to the Galatians.  The readings in Buehrens book are the chapters “Incarnations” and “Salvations.”

Religious Education for Children and Youth will continue our pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.  Focusing on our Second, Sixth, and Seventh Principles and our Second Source; the Children and Youth will begin their pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.  You can find our UUA Principles and Sources here.

23 March 2014 Worship Service

VelveteenRabbitPlease join us at 10:30 AM on Sunday (23 March 2014) for our worship for all ages — “Something Real” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

The service will include the Dedication of Natalie Laurel Carlisle.  Join us to celebrate with Pam and Rick along with the proud grandparents at the service and afterwards in the Social Hall.

Religious Education for All Ages (23 March 2014)

Note — the reading assignment for the Buehrens book was incorrect when first posted online.  This article has now been updated to fix that error.

Please join us on Sunday (23 March 2014) at 9:00 AM for Religious Education for All Ages.

UnderstandingTheBibleThe adult class will continue with Understanding the Bible: A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals based on the book of the same name by Rev. Buehrens.  This week, we continue our exploration of the Christian Testament where we will encounter the Passion stories:

The reading ins Rev. John Buehrens’ book is the chapter titled “Resurrections” on starting on  page 160.

Religious Education for Children and Youth will continue our pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.  Focusing on our Second, Sixth, and Seventh Principles and our Second Source; the Children and Youth will begin their pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.  You can find our UUA Principles and Sources here.

16 March 2014 Worship Service

FriendshipPlease join us on Sunday (16 March 2014) at 10:30 AM for “The Spirit of Friendship” with Phil Boswell and John Ratcliff.

The worship service features music from the All Souls Choir and special guest musicians.

A newcomer’s information session will follow the service at 12 noon.  Childcare will be available for worship and the newcomer’s class.

Religious Education for All Ages (16 March 2014)

UnderstandingTheBiblePlease join us on Sunday (16 March 2014) at 9:00 AM for Religious Education for All Ages.

The adult class will continue with Understanding the Bible: A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals based on the book of the same name by Rev. Buehrens.  This week, we continue our exploration of the Christian Testament where we will encounter the Passion stories:

The related materials are in Rev. John Buehrens’ book on  pages 156-159.

Religious Education for Children and Youth will continue our pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.  Focusing on our Second, Sixth, and Seventh Principles and our Second Source; the Children and Youth will begin their pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.  You can find our UUA Principles and Sources here.

Irish Music Concert (15 March 2014)

IrishMusicPlease join us on Saturday night (15 March 2014) from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM for a night of Irish folk music.

Renowned performer of Irish and Scottish music Bill Conly and his music partners Bob Jordan and Jim Huckabay will be providing lilting Celtic music for a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration in the Social Hall at All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church.

All lovers of Irish and Scottish music and St. Patrick’s Day revelers are welcome.  Bring the kids.  Make your worthy donation at the door.

Visit the “Libations for Donations” drink area for an Irish brew or two.  Free snacks provided.

All funds raised will go to All Souls.

9 March 2014 Worship and Religious Education Classes

GateInGardenPlease join us on Sunday (9 March 2014) at 10:30 AM for our all-ages worship service — “Following a Good Lead” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

The service will include a new member book-signing, and will end out on the playground with a Blessing of the Playground, followed by a cookout/potluck.

Please bring a dish to share and join us for the festive celebration.

At 9:30 AM, we will have our Religious Education classes for all ages.

Our Children and Youth will continue on in their Pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web by focusing on our Second, Sixth and Seventh Principles and our Second Source (more information on our Principles and Source can be found here).

UnderstandingTheBible Our adults will continue with the “Understanding the Bible: A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals” class (based on Rev. John Buehrens’ book by the same name).

This week, we continue our exploration of the Christian Testament.  We will look at the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37).  If time permits, we will begin looking at the Passion stories: