
Building and Grounds Work Day — 11 August 2012

Come join us this Saturday (11 August 2012) and every 2nd Saturday of the month from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly Building and Grounds Work Day.

Tasks for all ages and abilities, inside and out.  Spend a little time or a lot.  Can’t stay and work this week?  Snacks or drinks dropped off for the workers are always much appreciated, too!

Many of our members and friends will attest that they have made some of their best connections at the church in conversations that happen while working side by side.

Thanks to 2 August 2012 Highland Blessing Dinner Volunteers

Many thanks to the All Souls volunteers who worked last Thursday’s (2 August 2012) Highland Blessing Dinner:

  • Patrick Early
  • Virginia and Juan Villarreal
  • Ron Thurston
  • Susan Bettinger
  • Amanda, Eleanora and Andrew Lawrence
  • Eric and Sam First
  • Nadia and Anna Korneeva
  • Susan Caldwell

The next opportunities to volunteer for this event are 30 August 2012 and 6 September 2012.  Details about this event can be found online here.

Artist Sunday – 5 August 2012

Please join us this Sunday (5 August 2012) for Artist Sunday.

Chalice Hands Mosaic

Visual arts display and sale will be open from 10:00 – 11:00 AM before the service and from the close of worship until 2:00 PM.  The Artist Sunday worship service starts at 11:00 AM.

Once a year at All Souls, we devote an entire worship service to a celebration of the arts.  Each element of the entire 11:00 AM Artist Sunday worship service is some kind of artistic performance by our members and friends.

This year’s service including Buddy Flett, Tim Brogan, Robert Smith, The All Souls Choir, Nathan Woods, Carol Graywing, Byron Gates, Caroline Drury, Pamela Raintree, Kathleen Smith, Bob Jordan, Rick Carlisle, and many more!

If you weren’t invited to perform this year, please know that it doesn’t mean you won’t be asked back for future events.  We try to present an inspiring and uplifting service that is also respectful of everyone’s time and we have the happy blessing of an abundance of talent among our artistic community.

If you will be hanging art for display or sale, please bring it between 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM on Saturday (4 August 2012).  We do still have some available table space for displaying and/or selling craft items, jewelry, etc.  The church does not ask for fees or commissions — this event is for the artists — but the artists are responsible for handling their own sales.

We are an open-minded and accepting community.  In that spirit, we do ask that in selecting your performance pieces or visual artwork, you consider that ours is a family audience, and we very much prefer that you exercise that judgment at your end.  If you have questions, contact Pamela Raintree at 318-946-0367 or Susan Caldwell at 318-465-3427.

All Souls Casino Night – 3 November 2012

Tickets will go on sale this Sunday (5 August 2012) for All Souls’ first-ever Casino Night.

The Casino Night will happen on Saturday, 3 November 2012, from 6:00 – 10:00 PM at the Elks Lodge, 310 East Preston, Shreveport LA.

Go “all-in” with All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church at this year’s Annual Gala (formerly known as the Silent Auction).  This year’s theme is Casino Night and features for-fun table games such as roulette, blackjack, and craps!

Casino Night tickets will go on sale for $50.00 per person starting Sunday (5 August 2012).

Admission tickets cover the first buy-in of the evening, dinner, entertainment, cash bar, raffle prizes, and more!  Cash raffle tickets are also available for $1 apiece and three prizes ($150, $100, and $50) will be awarded at the event (need not be present to win).

The event will also feature a Silent Auction with chances to bid on the parties and some of the other more popular items of the Silent Auction tradition. (Casserole of the Month, Dessert of the Month, and the Coveted Parking Space, to name a few).

2012-2013 Religious Education Year

The 2012-2013 Religious Education year begins Sunday, 19 August 2012.

Our Religious Education year for children and youth is comprised of five thematic units called “Pillars.” The topics and schedules for these pillars are the following:

  • Unitarian Universalist Identity — 19 August 2012 – 7 October 2012, Intergenerational Worship Service 14 October 2012
  • Jewish and Christian Heritage — 21 October 2012 – 16 December 2012, Thanksgiving Service 25 November 2012, Winter Holiday Intergenerational Worship 23 December 2012
  • World Religions — 6 January 2013 – 10 February 2013, Intergenerational Worship Service 17 February 2013
  • Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web — 24 February 2013 – 31 March 2013, Intergenerational Worship Service 7 April 2013
  • Personal Spiritual Growth and Development — 14 April 2013 – 26 May 2013, Affirmation Sunday – 2 June 2013

The teacher sign-up board will be up in the hallway this Sunday (5 August 2012).  Those who sign up early are entered into a drawing for a Barnes and Noble Gift Certificate.

29 July 2012 Worship Service

Please join us for “How Geography Can Save Planet Earth” by Jon Soul with Worship Associate Pamela Carlisle.

Join us this Sunday as Montessori teacher and environmental activist Jon Soul gives us a look into his Bayou to Bay project.  Jon has completed two legs of a canoe journey from Shreveport to the Gulf of Mexico via Bayou Pierre and the Red River.  The goal of his project is “to reconnect people to their local waterways, for the benefit of both.  Through experiential education, students will learn to care about what it means to be ‘downstream,’ one watershed at a time.”  His sermon will explore the sacred dimensions of a sense of place, a “personal geography” that is truly mindful of the landscape that we see around us every day.

A slideshow of the journey will be available for viewing in the foyer before the service, and in the social hall afterward.

Artist Sunday Coming — 5 August 2012

Once a year at All Souls, we devote an entire worship service to a celebration of the arts.  This year we have this celebration on 5 August 2012.

Each element of the entire 11:00 AM Worship Service is some kind of artistic performance by our members and friends — which in the past has included songs, instrumental music, performance art, magic, poetry, mime, dance and even karate!

Continue reading “Artist Sunday Coming — 5 August 2012”

“A Long, Strange Trip” Unitarian Universalist History Film Series Continues

Please join us this Tuesday (31 July 2012) from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM for Part III of our Unitarian Universalist history series on “American Unitarianism.”

Even if you haven’t seen Parts I and II, join us this Tuesday evening for a look at our Unitarian roots on this continent.  Although the films are part of a series, each one also stands well on its own and you are more than welcome to join us.  We also plan to repeat the complete series in the not-too-distant future.

For more information, to let her know you are coming to the class, and especially if you need child care, please email Susan Caldwell or call her at 318-465-3427.

22 July 2012 Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday (22 July 2012) at 11:00 AM for “Companions for the Journey” with Juan Villarreal, Bob Jordan and Worship Associate Susan Bettinger.

Our quarterly service featuring members of our congregation who share with us the journeys that brought them to All Souls and the reasons they stay.

Highland Blessing Dinner — 2 August 2012

Our next regularly scheduled evening to work the Highland Blessing Dinner is Thursday (2 August 2012) at The Highland Center (520 Olive Street, Shreveport LA).

Since the meal is served at 6:00 PM, volunteers please be there no later than 5:15 PM.  Please note that extra volunteers are welcome on any Thursday evening.

Although there is no means test required and we feed the first 77 people who come to the door, our hope is to help those families and individuals who “fall though the cracks” of social services, and to build community with the people who come to the dinners, and with our partner congregations.

A sign-up sheet will soon be back up in the foyer. Sign up for the job you want, then pick up a handout that describes all the jobs. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with one or two other jobs in addition to your first choice, in case the needs of the evening change.

Continue reading “Highland Blessing Dinner — 2 August 2012”