Zoom (and In-Person) Lunch This Wednesday (26 March 2025)

Please join us next Wednesday (26 March 2025) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Our weekly Zoom lunch is returning to dual-platform access — join us from home using Zoom or in person in the social hall.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

Vegan Potluck and Seaspiracy Documentary Screening (23 March 2025)

Please join us on Sunday (23 March 2025) for a vegan potluck and a screening of the documentary film Seaspiracy hosted by the All Souls Peace Alliance.

The potluck and film screening will happen after the 11:00 AM service is finished.

Bring a vegan dish to pass and join us for this documentary by British filmmaker Ali Tabrizi that explores the environmental impact of commercial fishing.

The Peace Alliance is a group exploring veganism as a path to peace — forsaking both the cruelty and the environmental damage of factory farming and commercial fishing.

Exploring veganism need not be an all-or-nothing or all-at-once proposition.  Join us to learn about changes large and small that you can make.

Zoom (and In-Person) Lunch This Wednesday (19 March 2025)

Please join us next Wednesday (19 March 2025) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Our weekly Zoom lunch is returning to dual-platform access — join us from home using Zoom or in person in the social hall.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

Monthly Building and Grounds Work Day Moving to Next Saturday (15 March 2025)

Our monthly building and grounds work day usually happens on the second Saturday on the month.

For March 2025, the work day will happen on the third Saturday (15 March 2025) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.  This change is due to forecasted inclement weather.

There are tasks indoors and out for all ages and abilities along with snacks for the volunteers.

This is a great way to build relationships with your All Souls community — working side by side to maintain the physical structure of our spiritual home.

All Souls Peace Alliance Meeting (9 March 2025)

The All Souls Peace Alliance meets this Sunday (9 March 2025) in the church social hall.

The Peace Alliance is a group at All Souls exploring veganism as a path to peace forsaking both the cruelty and the environmental damage of factory farming.

This Sunday’s meeting will plan our vegan potluck and documentary screening on Sunday (23 March 2025) after the worship service.

You need not be vegan to attend All Souls Peace Alliance events.

Exploring veganism need not be an all-or-nothing or all-at-once proposition.

Join us to learn about changes large and small that you can make.

Zoom (and In-Person) Lunch This Wednesday (12 March 2025)

Please join us next Wednesday (12 March 2025) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Our weekly Zoom lunch is returning to dual-platform access — join us from home using Zoom or in person in the social hall.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

Monthly Building and Grounds Work Day (8 March 2025)

Our monthly building and grounds work day usually happens on the second Saturday on the month.

For March 2025, this will happen on Saturday (8 March 2025) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (please note the change from the times we used for past building and grounds work days).

There are tasks indoors and out for all ages and abilities along with snacks for the volunteers.

This is a great way to build relationships with your All Souls community — working side by side to maintain the physical structure of our spiritual home.

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration (15 March 2025)

Please join us on Saturday (15 March 2025) from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM for our annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration.

We are thankful to Bob Jordan for bringing back our annual traditional St. Patrick’s Day celebration with Irish music, libations for donations (both alcohol and non-alcohol options available), delicious free snacks, and a welcoming spirit for all ages.

The cost is $15.00 at the door or whatever you can pay — and all proceeds benefit All Souls.

Don’t let cost be an obstacle — and if you have a little extra to kick in for somebody else — we will graciously accept that help, too.

Zoom (and In-Person) Lunch This Wednesday (5 March 2025)

Please join us next Wednesday (5 March 2025) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Our weekly Zoom lunch is returning to dual-platform access — join us from home using Zoom or in person in the social hall.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

One Book, Many Communities — They Called Me a Lioness: A Palestinian Girl’s Fight for Freedom (9 March 2025)

Please join us on Sunday (9 March 2025) at 3:00 PM for the One Book, Many Communities in the Social Hall at All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church.

This is a a Common Read event sponsored by Librarians and Archivists with Palestine and Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East (Shreveport Chapter).

The book for the 2025 One Book, Many Communities event is They Called Me a Lioness: A Palestinian Girl’s Fight for Freedom by Ahed Tamini and Dena Takruri.

Ahed Tamimi became known worldwide when a video clip of her slapping an Israeli soldier went viral — but her struggle against apartheid and occupation began long before that day — and the historical struggle had gone on longer still.

Kirkus Reviews has called Tamini’s book, “A passionately argued, profoundly empathetic, and deeply informed examination of her country’s occupation.”

Copies of the book will be available at All Souls. The cost is $12.00 or whatever you can pay if you can pay.

Please don’t let money be an obstacle to your reading the book and participating in the discussion.