2013 World Religion Day

Please join us on Sunday, 27 January 2013, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Highland Center (520 Olive Street, Shreveport, Louisiana) for our community’s annual World Religion Day celebration.

The keynote adddress will be “Beyond Religious Dialogue” by Dr. David Otto (Professor of Religious Studies and Crawford Chair of Liberal Arts Centenary College of Louisiana).

The event’s panel discussions will include the following:

  • Is it possible to do true multifaith worship, and if so, how?
  • What is your faith’s position on political involvement?
  • What is the role of evangelism in your faith tradition?  How do you find, welcome, and educate new members?

This is a great community-building event offering numerous volunteer opportunities — working at the All Souls information table, helping with set-up on Saturday (26 January 2013), and staffing the event concession stand.

Look for a place to sign up in the foyer and contact Susan Caldwell for more information.

2013 Pledge Drive and Budget Update

At our 16 December 2012 Congregational Business Meeting, we passed a provisional budget and have scheduled a special congregational budget meeting for 20 January 2013 at 12:30 PM (immediately after the Sunday worship service).  If you have not yet provided your 2013 pledge to the church, please do it now.

30 December 2012 Pancake Breakfast

CalvinHobbesPancakeRing in the New Year with pancakes, fruit, coffee, juice and various tasty breakfast treats brought to you by the Food, Folks and Fun Committee on Sunday (30 December 2012).

We will be serving before church from 10:15 to 11:00 AM, and then after the service from 12:00 to 12:30 PM (or till no one wants to eat any more — whichever comes first).

Note — For optimum experience of the event, attending before church is highly recommended!  For optimum-PLUS experience of the event, staying after church to help clean up and build community with your All Souls friends is most highly recommended!

All-Ages Holiday Party (22 December 2012)

Join us on Sunday (22 December 2012 ) after our 11:00 AM worship service for our annual All-Ages Holiday Party.

Join us in the Social Hall after the service for games, crafts, snacks and fellowship.  This is a great opportunity to celebrate the season and make connections across the generations over glitter and glue, frosting and sprinkles, or an action-packed game of Dreidl!

Bring hearty snacks and finger foods (sandwiches, veggie trays, etc) and enjoy the celebration!

2012 All Souls Annual Christmas Party

Please join us on 22 December 2012 at 7:00 PM at the home of Laurie Lyons and Henry Walker (441 Drexel Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana).

To reduce the workload of everyone, this year’s party will be hors d’oeuvres — appetizers — finger food and dessert rather than a full meal, so please bring one of these items.

Wine, beer and soft drinks will be provided.

Please RSVP to Laurie Lyons by Monday (17 December 2012).

This party is for adults only so parents can take a breather from their adorable, but active, children.

Important — Please label any items that contain nuts, as Henry is highly allergic. Peanuts are legumes, so your typical peanut is just fine. Just watch out for those walnuts, pecans, and the like. Thank you.

Monster Cookie Swap — 9 December 2012

The 2012 Monster Cookie Swap is 9 December 2012 immediately after the 11:00 AM Worship Service.

Bring a couple dozen cookies to swap out.  Make one recipe and take home loads of different kinds of cookies!

Don’t bake?  Even better..make a donation to All Souls in lieu of providing cookies.  Or do both (That’s cool too)!

There are always tons of cookies available — treat yourself to dessert or use them as neighbor/teacher gifts!

18 November 2012 Thanksgiving Worship Service and Feast

Please join us this Sunday (18 November 2012) at 11:00 AM for “A Service of Thanksgiving” — our annual Thanksgiving Service and Feast.

We begin with a brief service in the Sanctuary that continues with a Ritual of Thanksgiving in the Social Hall, followed immediately by an abundant feast, to which you are invited and encouraged to contribute as you are able.

If you are willing and able, please bring a dish to share. If you want specific information on what is still needed, you may email or call Sarah Boswell of the Food, Folks and Fun Committee (see below).

Otherwise, bring a pan of dressing (or, dare i say, even “stuffing” – I guarantee we’ll eat it no matter what we call it!), a vegetarian entree, your favorite vegetable side, a dessert or bread, an appetizer or a fruit or vegetable tray.  Bring anything that you feel is an indispensable part of a Thanksgiving meal, whether it’s a classic tradition or just a tradition in your family.

For information on how you can help with the feast, please email Sarah Boswell or call her at (318) 865-8831.

And if you can’t bring food, don’t let that stop you from coming — Join the Cleanup Crew:

If you often don’t or can’t hang around for cleanup, perhaps you can make a plan to do that this week out of gratitude to those who do it so often.  One thing we’ve learned from working the Highland Dinners is that many hands really do make light work, and a big cleanup crew = a fast cleanup for all!

Thanksgiving Day Potluck (22 November 2012)

Please join us on Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, 22 November 2012) at 1:00 PM for a Thanksgiving Day Potluck.

Whether you’re alone in town and looking for a place to go, or your family is all here but you just don’t want to do all the cooking, Ron Thurston is hosting a Thanksgiving Day dinner at the church.

He will bring a turkey and is encouraging everyone who would like to attend to give him a call at (318) 300-1509 and to bring whatever sides, appetizers, and desserts you would like to share.

The meal will begin at 1:00 PM to allow for plenty of time to eat and for those who are volunteering at the Highland Blessing Dinner that evening to get there by 5:15 PM.