Home is Here Shreveport — March 2025 Give-Away-The-Plate Recipient

Each month we dedicate all of our non-pledge income to a community organization doing the work that best embodies our Unitarian Universalist values.

For the month of March 2025, we choose Home is Here Shreveport through Louisiana Advocates for Immigrants in Detention.

Our Home is Here group is currently raising money for an asylum seeker whose court hearing will be coming up in June 2025.

This is a hardworking person — currently working two jobs legally, learning English, and has even passed their driving test (despite the fact that their interpreter did not show up that day).

Two ways to donate:

OnlineGo to our donation site using this link.  If you are paying your pledge, select “2025 Pledges” and enter that amount for your pledge contribution.  Then select “Collection Plate” to give the amount you would like to give to Home is Here Shreveport and then put “GATP MAR 2025” or “Home is Here Shreveport” in the comment section.  All online collection plate contributions for the month of March 2025 will go to the Home is Here Shreveport.

Offline — Please send your give away the plate contribution checks to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106.  Please put “Home is Here Shreveport” on the memo line of the check if  you want to have 100% of your check go to Home is Here Shreveport.  If you want less than 100% of your check to go to Home is Here Shreveport, please put the amount you want going to Home is Here Shreveport on the memo line.

Highland Center Ministries — February 2025 Give-Away-The-Plate Recipient

Each month we dedicate all of our non-pledge income to a community organization doing the work that best embodies our Unitarian Universalist values.

For the month of February 2025, we choose the Highland Center Ministries (All Souls is also a member organization of the Highland Center Ministries).

Along with the weekly Highland Blessing Dinner (where All Souls members volunteer on the first Thursday of each month), Highland Center Ministries provides:

  • Clothing closets for all ages and genders
  • Senior lunch on Tuesdays
  • Thrift store with all kinds of bargains
  • Partnership with Pelican Credit Union to help people avoid predatory lenders
  • Home for St. Francis Episcopal Church for the Highlands
  • Free tax preparation service for anyone making $67,000 or less annually

And the Highland Center Ministries makes its home in the Highland Center building which houses Basic Necessities (a diaper and period products bank), the Goldman School, Louisiana Advocates for Immigrants in Detention, and some small local business start-ups.

Two ways to donate:

OnlineGo to our donation site using this link.  If you are paying your pledge, select “2025 Pledges” and enter that amount for your pledge contribution.  Then select “Collection Plate” to give the amount you would like to give to Highland Center Ministries and then put “GATP FEB 2025” or “Highland Center Ministries” in the comment section.  All online collection plate contributions for the month of February 2025 will go to the Highland Center Ministries.

Offline — Please send your give away the plate contribution checks to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106.  Please put “Highland Center Ministries” on the memo line of the check if  you want to have 100% of your check go to the Highland Center Ministries.  If you want less than 100% of your check to go to the Highland Center Ministries, please put the amount you want going to Highland Center Ministries on the memo line.

New Orleans New Year’s Day Tragedy Fund — January 2025 Give-Away-The-Plate Recipient

Each month we dedicate all of our non-pledge income to a community organization doing the work that best embodies our Unitarian Universalist values.

For the month of January 2025, we choose the New Orleans New Year’s Day Tragedy Fund sponsored by the Greater New Orleans Foundation.

Additional information on the New Orleans New Year’s Day Tragedy Fund can be found here.

Two ways to donate:

OnlineGo to our donation site using this link.  If you are paying your pledge, select “2025 Pledges” and enter that amount for your pledge contribution.  Then select “Collection Plate” to give the amount you would like to give to New Orleans New Year’s Day Tragedy Fund and then put “GATP JAN 2025” or “New Orleans New Year’s Day Tragedy Fund” in the comment section.  All online collection plate contributions for the month of January 2025 will go to New Orleans New Year’s Day Tragedy Fund.

Offline — Please send your give away the plate contribution checks to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106.  Please put “New Orleans New Year’s Day Tragedy Fund” on the memo line of the check if  you want to have 100% of your check go to New Orleans New Year’s Day Tragedy Fund.  If you want less than 100% of your check to go to New Orleans New Year’s Day Tragedy Fund, please put the amount you want going to New Orleans New Year’s Day Tragedy Fund on the memo line.

2025 Pledge Drive Happening Now

All Souls is supported by the generosity of our members and friends — please take the time now to fill out your 2025 pledge form and help the All Souls Finance Committee plan our budget for 2025.

Your pledge should reflect what the church means to you in your life — balanced with your own budgetary concerns.

Thank you for your support of All Souls.

North Louisiana Interfaith — December 2024 Give-Away-The-Plate Recipient

Each month we dedicate all of our non-pledge income to a community organization doing the work that best embodies our Unitarian Universalist values.

For the month of December 2024, we choose North Louisiana Interfaith.

Interfaith is a broad-based organization whose members are institutions (including All Souls).

Over the years, we have realized that All Souls can do our most effective work in the community when we partner with others and interfaith is one of those partnerships we value highly.

Recently, Interfaith has secured funding from the Caddo Parish Commission to build four Community Lighthouses in the city of Shreveport (one already up and running at Morning Star Baptist Church).

Community Lighthouses are solar-powered grid resilience hubs that can save lives during multiday power outages in the aftermath of large disasters (tornadoes, summer storms, or winter storms).

Interfaith is currently beginning the groundwork to seek support for two locations in Bossier City as well.

Two ways to donate:

OnlineGo to our donation site using this link.  If you are paying your pledge, select “2024 Pledges” and enter that amount for your pledge contribution.  Then select “Collection Plate” to give the amount you would like to give to North Louisiana Interfaith and then put “GATP DEC 2024” or “North Louisiana Interfaith” in the comment section.  All online collection plate contributions for the month of December 2024 will go to North Louisiana Interfaith.

Offline — Please send your give away the plate contribution checks to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106.  Please put “North Louisiana Interfaith” on the memo line of the check if  you want to have 100% of your check go to North Louisiana Interfaith.  If you want less than 100% of your check to go to North Louisiana Interfaith, please put the amount you want going to North Louisiana Interfaith on the memo line.

Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana — November 2024 Give-Away-The-Plate Recipient

Each month we dedicate all of our non-pledge income to a community organization doing the work that best embodies our Unitarian Universalist values.

For the month of November 2024, we choose the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana.

​T​he mission of the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana is to serve as the primary resource for fighting hunger in Northwest Louisiana.

Their vision is to ultimately end hunger in Northwest Louisiana by ensuring a consolidated network of effective food collection and distribution which will provide universal access to food for the needy in our communities.

Two ways to donate:

OnlineGo to our donation site using this link.  If you are paying your pledge, select “2024 Pledges” and enter that amount for your pledge contribution.  Then select “Collection Plate” to give the amount you would like to give to the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana and then put “GATP NOV 2024” or “Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana” in the comment section.  All online collection plate contributions for the month of November 2024 will go to the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana.

Offline — Please send your give away the plate contribution checks to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106.  Please put “Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana” on the memo line of the check if  you want to have 100% of your check go to the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana.  If you want less than 100% of your check to go to the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana, please put the amount you want going to the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana on the memo line.

Students for Justice in Palestine (LSU-S Chapter) — October 2024 Give-Away-The-Plate Recipient

Each month we dedicate all of our non-pledge income to a community organization doing the work that best embodies our Unitarian Universalist values.

For the month of October 2024, we choose Students for Justice in Palestine (LSU-S Chapter).

Students for Justice in Palestine committed to raising awareness of the injustices inflicted on the Palestinian people by the Israeli military invasion and to foster social and political education for their own members and for the local and international community.

Two ways to donate:

OnlineGo to our donation site using this link.  If you are paying your pledge, select “2024 Pledges” and enter that amount for your pledge contribution.  Then select “Collection Plate” to give the amount you would like to give to Students for Justice in Palestine (LSU-S Chapter) and then put “GATP OCT 2024” or “Students for Justice in Palestine (LSU-S Chapter)” in the comment section.  All online collection plate contributions for the month of October 2024 will go to Students for Justice in Palestine (LSU-S Chapter).

Offline — Please send your give away the plate contribution checks to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106.  Please put “Students for Justice in Palestine (LSU-S Chapter)” on the memo line of the check if  you want to have 100% of your check go to Students for Justice in Palestine (LSU-S Chapter).  If you want less than 100% of your check to go to Students for Justice in Palestine (LSU-S Chapter), please put the amount you want going to Students for Justice in Palestine (LSU-S Chapter) on the memo line.

Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation of Louisiana — September 2024 Give-Away-The-Plate Recipient

Each month we dedicate all of our non-pledge income to a community organization doing the work that best embodies our Unitarian Universalist values.

For the month of September 2024, we choose Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation of Louisiana (WERLA).

WERLA is a state and federally licensed 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife back into their natural habitat.

Working closely with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service
and local communities, they take in a care for roughly several hundred wild animals from Louisiana each year.

To give the animals with the best chance for rehabilitation, they regularly network with local, private, state-licensed rehabilitators to provide individualized care for different species of animals.

Two ways to donate:

OnlineGo to our donation site using this link.  If you are paying your pledge, select “2024 Pledges” and enter that amount for your pledge contribution.  Then select “Collection Plate” to give the amount you would like to give to WERLA and then put “GATP SEP 2024” or “WERLA” in the comment section.  All online collection plate contributions for the month of September 2024 will go to WERLA.

Offline — Please send your give away the plate contribution checks to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106.  Please put “WERLA” on the memo line of the check if  you want to have 100% of your check go to WERLA.  If you want less than 100% of your check to go to WERLA, please put the amount you want going to WERLA on the memo line.

A Second Chance at Life Foundation — August 2024 Give-Away-The-Plate Recipient

Each month we dedicate all of our non-pledge income to a community organization doing the work that best embodies our Unitarian Universalist values.

For the month of August 2024, we choose A Second Chance at Life Foundation.  The All Souls Board chose this charity after hearing guest speaker Curtis Davis (Executive Director – A Second Chance at Life Foundation) speak at All Souls in July 2024.

This charity fills a great need here in the Shreveport metro area where there are no halfway houses specifically for people re-entering the community after incarceration.

This charity is establishes re-entry facilities for men and women here in Shreveport.

Two ways to donate:

OnlineGo to our donation site using this link.  If you are paying your pledge, select “2024 Pledges” and enter that amount for your pledge contribution.  Then select “Collection Plate” to give the amount you would like to give to A Second Chance at Life Foundation and then put “GATP AUG 2024” or “A Second Chance at Life Foundation” in the comment section.  All online collection plate contributions for the month of August 2024 will go to A Second Chance at Life Foundation.

Offline — Please send your give away the plate contribution checks to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106.  Please put “A Second Chance at Life Foundation” on the memo line of the check if  you want to have 100% of your check go to A Second Chance at Life Foundation.  If you want less than 100% of your check to go to A Second Chance at Life Foundation, please put the amount you want going to A Second Chance at Life Foundation on the memo line.

Artist Sunday Bake Sale (28 July 2024)

For Artist Sunday 2024, we will have a self-serve bake sale table in our social hall where you can find delicious baked goodies available before and after the 11:00 AM worship service.

You will find a welcome snack as you enjoy the art display and art sale in the religious education wing of the building.

Two ways you can help:

  1. Bake something — bag it up for the sale and contribute it to the table.
  2. Buy something — spend your cash, checks, or pay online for your baked goodies.

All bake sale proceeds will benefit All Souls.