2014 Church Pledge Drive

This is the time of year when All Souls asks for your financial commitment to our Annual Pledge Drive.

We ask that you reflect on the meaning of All Souls to you and how you will — once again — support our beloved congregation.

Links for the 2014 Pledge Drive forms and other documents can be found at the end of this post (PDF format — requires Adobe Acrobat or other PDF reader software).

Please bring your completed form to church this Sunday (1 December 2013) and please email your household’s annual pledge amount to Melissa Gibson so the Pledge Committee and Finance Committee can create a 2014 budget that reflects our congregational goals and dreams.

12 October 2013 Building and Grounds Work Day

Please join us on Saturday (12 October 2013) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

There will be taasks for all ages and abilities.  Weather permitting — most tasks will be outdoors to be respectful of the wedding party (who have already done most of their decorating for the 4:00 PM wedding.  Come join us to make the church look awesome for our guests.

31 August 2013 Paint Party — Part II

PaintPartyAllSoulsThe All Souls Paint Party Part Deux is happening on Saturday (31 August 2013) at 10:00 AM.  It’s time to put the second coat on the hallway — We have the paint and supplies on hand — We just need the volunteers.

Wear your painting clothes.  Food will be provided.  Let us know if you will need child care.

Please advise the office if you are coming so we will have enough supplies and food.  Please bring painting supplies (brushes, drop cloths, rollers, trays, etc.) if you have them.

10 August 2013 Building and Grounds Work Day and Religious Education Classroom Clean-up

On Saturday (10 August 2013) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, we will have our monthly building and grounds work day.

In the heat of August, this is a mostly an inside work day.  We will wash windows (inside and out), polish and wax the pulpit, altar table, pew ends and backs.

We will also clean out, purge and organize our Religious Education classrooms in preparation for the new church year.  Lots of tasks for all ages and abilities, so many hands will make much lighter work!

13 July 2013 Building and Grounds Work Day

Please join us on Saturday (13 July 2013) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly Building and Grounds Work Day.

If you are new to the church, you may not realize that with only a few exceptions, all care and maintenance of the church building and grounds is done by volunteers … by us.  We have tasks for all ages and abilities, indoors and out.  Come spend an hour or two or the whole work day (you’ll still be done by 1:00 PM) and get to know more of your All Souls friends as you work together side by side.


Operation Playground Awesome will be continuing debris clearing efforts this Saturday in preparation for playground renovations.

General Assembly News Online — 19-23 June 2013

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).  Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process.  This year’s GA is happening in Louisville KY.  Online news and updates from GA can be found here:

Change to June 2013 Building and Grounds Work Day

This month’s Building and Grounds Work Day is now Saturday (15 June 2013) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  This change is for the month of June 2013 only.

Our monthly Building and Grounds Work Day is normally scheduled for the second Saturday of each month.  There is a memorial service this afternoon for Cameron Varnell — and out of respect for Cameron’s family — we are moving the date of our work day for the month of June 2013.

5 May 2013 Congregational Meeting

From:  Virginia Villarreal, All Souls Board Secretary

To:  All Members, Inactive Members, and Friends

Congregational Meeting

In accordance with the Bylaws of our church and as Secretary of the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a Congregational Meeting.

Date: Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 12:30 PM in the Sanctuary

On the Agenda:

(1) Election of New Board Officers

  • Eric First – President
  • Melissa Gibson – Treasurer
  • John Ratcliff: Member-at-Large
  • Bennett Upton: Member-at-Large

(2) Moving the selection of Nominating Committee members to the December Congregational Meeting

Please make every effort to attend.

All active members should attend this meeting or give their proxies to those who can. Inactive members and friends of the church are invited and encouraged to participate, but bylaws stipulate that only those members who have been active 30 days or longer may vote. We must have a quorum. Childcare will be provided.