Building and Grounds Work Day (10 September 2022)

Please join us on Saturday (10 September 2022) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

Since some of our church members will be staffing our table at Pride in the Park, we’re calling all hands to help with our monthly building and grounds work day.

We will prepare to welcome guests for this weekend’s Emerson Award presentation and next week’s Homecoming Service.

Nearly all of the work maintaining our physical space is done by our members and friends who show up each month and do what needs to be done.

Building and Grounds Work Day (13 August 2022)

Please join us on Saturday (13 August 2022) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

Nearly all of the work maintaining our physical space is done by our members and friends who show up each month and do what needs to be done.

There are tasks for all ages and abilities.  Working side by side is a great way to get to know your All Souls friends a little better.

Special Congregational Meeting (14 August 2022)

Please join us on Sunday (14 August 2022) at 1215 PM or immediately after the worship service (whichever comes later) for a special congregational meeting.

You can attend in person in the sanctuary or you can attend via Zoom.

We must have a quorum for this meeting.

All are welcome to attend but only active members who have been members for 30 days or longer may vote.

On the Agenda:  a vote to amend our Articles of Incorporation (you can read the current Articles of Incorporation here)

In order to comply with 501(c)3 requirements of the Internal Revenue Service, we need to amend our Articles of Incorporation with the following wording:

  • Adding to Article IV (Purposes), a new Section A, as follows: Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious and educational purposes, including , for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
  • Amending Article VIII, Section A as follows: This congregation recognizes and obligates itself to conform to the constitution and by-laws of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
  • Amending Article VIII, Section B as follows: In the event of the dissolution of this corporation, all property and assets shall pass to the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Unitarian Universalists Remain Committed to Reproductive Justice

From the Unitarian Universalist Association President Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray:

Boston, Mass. (June 24, 2022) – The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued its decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women Health Organization case, which overturns Roe v. Wade, upending nearly 50 years of access to abortion. Below is a statement from Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), regarding this decision:

This decision manifests the worst fears of those of us who have been working for decades to protect and affirm reproductive rights.

The overwhelming majority of Unitarian Universalists (UUs) support keeping abortion legal in all or most cases. This is rooted in our Principles and our core religious beliefs that affirm gender equity. It also reflects a moral commitment to the idea that reproductive care is healthcare and is essential to the well-being of individuals and families.

This anti-choice decision by the Supreme Court infringes on our deeply held religious beliefs. Access to abortion and the right to choose is an issue of gender equality, bodily autonomy, and religious liberty, all of which are long held Unitarian Universalist religious teachings.

As I said when the draft decision was leaked in May, I fear this decision will justify efforts to further limit the rights of women, pregnant people, and other vulnerable people and communities. Curtailing reproductive rights will be felt most by people of color, young people, poor and working-class people, and those living in rural areas. The rights of people in more vulnerable communities will only become more limited and diminish healthcare equity. Too many people are already deprived of ready access to comprehensive and equitable reproductive healthcare, including abortion access.

Unitarian Universalists are committed to Reproductive Justice, a framework created by Black women in the 1980s and 1990s, which affirms the human right to have children, not to have children, to parent the children one has in healthy environments, to safeguard bodily autonomy, and to express one’s sexuality freely. The UU faith has a long history of collaborating in this movement and advocating for safe, legal, accessible abortion care.

The Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health decision does not alter Unitarian Universalists’ commitment to Reproductive Justice.

Comprehensive reproductive care, including access to abortion, is essential to the health and well-being of individuals and families. The decision to limit this basic human right means that this fight will shift to state legislatures across the country. Guided by our moral values, we are prepared to be a part of that ongoing struggle and continue to show up for Reproductive Justice in all aspects of public life.

Our faith calls us to advocate on behalf of all those who need ready access to safe, legal abortion care whenever and wherever they need it. We will not rest until that reality is true across the country. I urge lawmakers, elected officials, and leaders in public life across the country to take action for gender and healthcare equity for all.

Note:  the original press release can be found here.

North Louisiana Interfaith Regional Assembly of Congregations and Citizen Organizations (14 June 2022)

Mark Your Calendar — the North Louisiana Interfaith Regional Assembly of Congregations and Citizen Organizations will be meeting on Tuesday (14 June 2022) from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM (Brown Chapel – Centenary College of Louisiana).

Imagine if all our organizations worked together to build a way for ordinary people to take action to solve our common problems.

We know that we are most effective in creating change in our community and in our state when we work in partnership with others.

Please join us for this relaunch and rededication of North Louisiana Interfaith.

We have committed to bringing at least 20 All Souls members and friends to this event.  Can we do more?  Join us and find out.

Building and Grounds Work Day (21 May 2022)

Please join us on Saturday (21 May 2022) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

Nearly all of the work maintaining our physical space is done by our members and friends who show up each month and do what needs to be done.

There are tasks for all ages and abilities.  Working side by side is a great way to get to know your All Souls friends a little better.

Notice of Congregational Meeting (29 May 2022)

Notice of Congregational Meeting

Date / Time — Sunday, 29 May 2022, at 12:15 PM (immediately following the 11:00 AM service)

Location — In the All Souls sanctuary or via Zoom here:

Agenda — We will vote on the following Board members:

  • Vice President – Susan Yellott
  • Secretary – Rovena Windsor
  • Member at-Large Deborah Warren
  • Member at-Large Claire McDonnell

We will also select a new member of the Committee on Ministry (nominee name TBA).

All are welcome to attend but you must be an active member of 30 days or longer in order to vote.

We must have a quorum to vote.

If you cannot attend, you may give your proxy to another member.

Proxy votes count toward the election of the Board but not toward the quorum.

Building and Grounds Work Day (9 April 2022)

Please join us on Saturday (9 April 2022) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.Nearly all of the work maintaining our physical space is done by our members and friends who show up on the second Saturday of each month and do what needs to be done.

On this Saturday, they will prepare campsites for this weekend’s campout event along with the usual indoor and outdoor tasks.

There are tasks for all ages and abilities.  Working side by side is a great way to get to know your All Souls friends a little better.

Building and Grounds Work Day (12 March 2022)

Please join us on Saturday (12 March 2022) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

Along with the other inside and outside tasks, we will be digging a new hole for yet another rainbow banner — the fourth one replacing the third one that was recently stolen.

This is in preparation for our Sunday worship service at 11:00 AM on 13 March 2022.

As part of Sunday’s worship service, we will also be placing a sign informing the thieves that every time they harm or steal the banner, All Souls will make a donation to an LGBTQ-friendly organization in their honor.

For screen readers — the graphic above is a montage of pictures of various people working on the building and on the grounds, doing various tasks — sweeping, weeding, vacuuming, changing light bulbs, cleaning gutters.

The information posted with the graphic is the same information found in this web site article including the sign that says “Any time this flag is damaged, defaced, or stolen, we will make a donation in your honor to an organization that advocates for LGBTQ+ community. Thank you for your support!”

Building and Grounds Work Day (12 February 2022)

Please join us on Saturday (12 February 2022) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

There are tasks inside and out — as weather permits — for all ages and abilities.

Wear your mask and stay safely distanced from each other as you work together to spruce up our church home.