Please join us on Sunday (18 November 2018) at 11:00 AM for our annual all-ages Thanksgiving service, communion ritual, and feast — “Finding Gratitude” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.
As we do each year, we will begin with a shorter service in the sanctuary and then process to the social hall for an inclusive bread and water communion (focused on the community we share and the need to feed the hungry people of the world).
After the ritual, we have a feast that really is our best potluck of the year.
If you don’t cook, no worries.
There are plenty of people who do cook and there are plenty of things we need that you can pick up from the store.
And even if you can’t bring anything, come anyway. There are plenty of ways you can help with this feast.
Sign up here to let us know what you can bring.
There will be no religious education classes for children and youth today — these classes will resume next Sunday (25 November 2018).
Our “Give Away the Plate” recipient for November 2019 is The Philadelphia Center.