Please join us on Sunday (14 August 2016) at 11:00 AM for our annual water communion worship service.
This is the time of year when we return from our various summer adventures and activities, and share water from those experiences.
This is not a travelogue or a competition for who has the best travel tale — although your water may be from faraway places or from nearby.
Whether your water comes from the Mediterranean Sea or your own kitchen sink, we invite you to bring it to add to the communal waters and to tell briefly the story of why you have brought it.
If you forget or couldn’t bring water, we will have water on hand to pour symbolically into the common bowl. The children and youth will be with us in the sanctuary this morning.
The combined water is filtered, boiled, and frozen for future use in child dedications or other church rituals.
Following the service, we will have a potluck lunch at the church (see 14 August 2016 Swim Party Cancelled on our web site for more details).