Please join us this Sunday (11 August 2013) at 11:00 AM for “The Deep End,” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell. This is our annual Water Communion Service. The All Souls Choir will sing and the Children and Youth will remain in the sanctuary to take part in the service.
Water communion is an end-of-summer tradition for us and many other Unitarian Universalist congregations. We reunite bringing real and symbolic water from our experiences of the summer — whether far way, in our own backyards, or within our own hearts. We are welcome, as we are so moved, to mingle our water into a common bowl with that of previous water ceremonies, and to share our stories. We then boil, filter and freeze a portion of this combined water for use in child dedications, future water communions and other ceremonial occasions of our community.
Join us afterward for yet another water celebration, our annual Swim Party at the home of Laurie Lyons and Henry Walker (441 Drexel Drive, Shreveport LA) after the service until 3:00 PM.
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