Meditation with Larry Androes (9 September 2023)

Please join us on Saturday (9 September 2023) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This group will be meeting via Zoom and not in person.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.

Backpack Charms — Summer Activities for Children and Youth (3 September 2023)

During the summer, our children and youth participate in various fun artistic and creative activities.

On this Sunday, the children and youth will make backpack charms to be given out next Sunday at our Blessing of the Backpacks (which will also be the first Sunday of the 2023-24 Religious Education year at All Souls).

Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education — 3 September 2023

Please join us on Sunday (3 September 2023) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

We will be discussing an article by Washington Post columnist Christine Emba — “Men Are Lost: Here’s a Map Out of the Wilderness.”

Christine Emba expresses concern for young men and boys who seem increasingly influenced by the extreme right wing “manosphere” and wonders about how we define “good masculinity” in a world of changing gender roles.  Join us.

Meditation with Larry Androes (2 September 2023)

Please join us on Saturday (2 September 2023) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This group will be meeting via Zoom and not in person.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.

Sacred Geometry, Part II — Summer Activities for Children and Youth (27 August 2023)

During the summer, our children and youth participate in various fun artistic and creative activities.

On this Sunday, our children and youth will continue their exploration of the interdependent web by observing patterns in nature and creating art to reflect them.

Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education — 27 August 2023

Please join us on Sunday (27 August 2023) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

We will cover “The Colfax Massacre:  The Beginning of the End of Reconstruction.”

We will view and discuss video from a recent meeting of Together Louisiana’s Rapid Response where this group is reading Redemption:  The Last Battle of the Civil War by Nicholas Lemann.

The prologue of the book tells the story of the Colfax Massacre (erroneously called the Colfax Riot in the white Southern retelling of the story) depicted in the monuments that were erected in the area.

The video features Rev. Avery Hamilton who grew up in Colfax but knew nothing of the true story of the massacre until well into adulthood when he learned the story of his own ancestor who was one of the first to die in the massacre.

We will hear the story of how Rev. Hamilton not only learned his own family’s story but met a descendant of the perpetrators of the massacre who has worked with him to get the true story out and to build a more appropriate monument to those who died.

Meditation with Larry Androes (26 August 2023)

Please join us on Saturday (26 August 2023) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

Please note that this group is still meeting via Zoom.  You will need to contact Larry for the Zoom link information using the contact information at the end of this post.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.

Sacred Geometry — Summer Activities for Children and Youth (20 August 2023)

During the summer, our children and youth participate in various fun artistic and creative activities.

On this Sunday, our children and youth will explore the interdependent web by observing patterns in nature and creating art to reflect them.

Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education — 20 August 2023

Please join us on Sunday (20 August 2023) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

As we gather input and prepare for our next multi-session unit, we are taking a few Sundays for some 1-session and 2-session topics that have interested some of our members.

This Sunday, we will view and discuss a video interview with author Matthew Desmond whose research and personal experience of poverty has sought to untangle the reasons why so many Americans are struggling.

Meditation with Larry Androes (19 August 2023)

Please join us on Saturday (19 August 2023) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

Please note that this group is still meeting via Zoom.  You will need to contact Larry for the Zoom link information using the contact information at the end of this post.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.