Don’t Forget the Mitten Tree!

With such warm weather up until very recently, it’s been easy to forget the Mitten Tree.  But this recent cold snap reminds us of the children in our community who can use some warm mittens, scarves and other outerwear in the winter months.

As we do each year, we are collecting these items for the children of Providence House.  Inexpensive yet warm mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves are available just about everywhere, including some grocery stores!

Pick some up when you are out and help make our mitten tree a true thing of beauty!

Please bring your Mitten Tree contributions by 23 December 2012.


“Immigration as a Moral Issue” – All Souls Board Asking for Your Inputs

In June 2010, General Assembly (GA) delegates from UU congregations across the nation selected “Immigration as a Moral Issue” for our denominational study/action issue from 2010 through 2014.

Much of this social justice work has been distilled into a draft Statement of Conscience that will be voted upon by the 2013 GA delegates.  However, the UUA has also provided opportunities for congregations to comment on the draft statement before it is voted upon at GA. Continue reading ““Immigration as a Moral Issue” – All Souls Board Asking for Your Inputs”


Notice of Congregational Meeting — 12:30 PM, Sunday, 16 December 2012

  • Date/Location:  Sunday, 16 December 2012, 12:30 PM, Sanctuary
  • From:  Virginia Villarreal (All Souls Board Secretary)
  • To:  All Members, Inactive Members and Friends

In accordance with the bylaws of our church, and as Secretary of the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a Congregational Meeting.

On the Agenda:

  1. Budget — Vote on the Annual Budget
  2. Nominate 3 Members to Serve on the Nominating Committee
  3. UUA Immigration Draft Statement of Conscience
  4. Update on the Exploratory Committee
  5. Date of Next Town Hall Meeting

Please make every effort to attend.  Childcare provided.

All active members should attend this meeting or give their written proxies to those who can.  We must have a quorum.

Inactive members and friends of the church are invited and encouraged to participate, but bylaws stipulate that only those members who have been active 30 days or longer may vote.


2012 Shreveport Transgender Day of Remembrance

Please join us next Wednesday (14 November 2012) at 5:00 PM for the Shreveport Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Louisiana Trans Advocates will be honoring the National Transgender Day of Remembrance with a memorial service at the Centenary College Band Shell.  After the service, we will walk to El Compadre’s.

Unquestionably, the most solemn day for transgender people in the US is the Transgender Day of Remembrance which is commemorated every November throughout the United States and worldwide.

On this day, we memorialize the many transgender people who have lost their lives to hate-based violence.  It has been estimated that one trans person per month on average is killed in the United States in a hate crime murder just for being transgender.

If you have any questions or are interested in being involved in the event don’t hesitate to email for more information.

Also, if you would like information about the memorials being held in other parts of the state during the week, please email us at

The memorial service will honor those who have been killed from 2011 to 2012.


“Taste of Interfaith” Fundraiser

Please join us today (Sunday, 4 November 2012) from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM for the annual “Taste of Interfaith” fundraiser for Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith.

This event will be held at the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (200 Carroll Street, Shreveport LA).

Please join us for an afternoon of great food, music and fellowship in celebration of our diversity and all we can do together to make Shreveport and Bossier the Beloved Community.

The $20.00 Admission includes your meal, entertainment, and a chance to shop for holiday bargains.  The All Souls Choir will be singing on the program, which will feature choirs, soloists, dancers and recitations from the many traditions represented by Interfaith.

The food is representative of many congregations and cultures and the shopping is stupendous!

Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith is a non-partisan political organization made up of member institutions who work together to create real change in our community.

All proceeds support the work of Interfaith in the areas of

  • Minimal Living Standards
  • Workforce Development
  • Public Education

… and all the other issues that come up from our member institutions.  The mission of Interfaith is never to “do for” others, but to join with others for the power to create change.


16 September 2012 Worship Service

Lady Carlson and Rev. Barbara Jarrell -- Presentation of 2012 Emerson AwardPlease join us on Sunday (16 September 2012) at 11:00 AM to hear Lady Carlson.  She is the Organizer for Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith and Recipient of the 2012 Emerson Award.

Lady will be here to remind us that the history makers are among us.

Join us for this inspiring service and stay after the service for a House Meeting around issues we wish to bring to Interfaith.

Interfaith is an organization of institutions working together on community issues that affect us all and that come up from the institutions themselves.

What do you want to see change in our community?

And what are you willing to do about it?

Come and learn how you can play a bigger role in our congregation’s Interfaith core team.


Thanks to 2 August 2012 Highland Blessing Dinner Volunteers

Many thanks to the All Souls volunteers who worked last Thursday’s (2 August 2012) Highland Blessing Dinner:

  • Patrick Early
  • Virginia and Juan Villarreal
  • Ron Thurston
  • Susan Bettinger
  • Amanda, Eleanora and Andrew Lawrence
  • Eric and Sam First
  • Nadia and Anna Korneeva
  • Susan Caldwell

The next opportunities to volunteer for this event are 30 August 2012 and 6 September 2012.  Details about this event can be found online here.


Highland Blessing Dinner — 2 August 2012

Our next regularly scheduled evening to work the Highland Blessing Dinner is Thursday (2 August 2012) at The Highland Center (520 Olive Street, Shreveport LA).

Since the meal is served at 6:00 PM, volunteers please be there no later than 5:15 PM.  Please note that extra volunteers are welcome on any Thursday evening.

Although there is no means test required and we feed the first 77 people who come to the door, our hope is to help those families and individuals who “fall though the cracks” of social services, and to build community with the people who come to the dinners, and with our partner congregations.

A sign-up sheet will soon be back up in the foyer. Sign up for the job you want, then pick up a handout that describes all the jobs. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with one or two other jobs in addition to your first choice, in case the needs of the evening change.

Continue reading “Highland Blessing Dinner — 2 August 2012”


1 July 2012 Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday (1 July 2012) at 11:00 AM for “How Faith Informs Activism” by Frances Kelley.

Frances Kelley is a political organizer and committed liberal Christian. A number of you will remember her from her work on the removal of the Confederate flag from the Caddo Parish Courthouse, the ongoing efforts to enact anti-bullying legislation in Louisiana and the opposition to Governor Jindal’s recent educational “reforms.” Join us to hear her talk about the influence of her faith on her activism.

Continue reading “1 July 2012 Worship Service”


Louisiana Trans Advocates Potluck — 1 July 2012

On Sunday afternoon (1 July 2012) at 1:30 PM, the Shreveport Chapter of Louisiana Trans Advocates will host a potluck in the Social Hall at All Souls.

The Shreveport Chapter of this statewide group is now meeting regularly at All Souls on the first Sunday of each month. Please bring a dish to share and take some time to welcome and get to know them.
