16 December 2012 Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (16 December 2012) at 11:00 AM for “Darkness and Light and All the Fixings” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  This service will also feature the music of Twang Darkly and the All Souls Choir.

Please note that Twang Darkly will be selling copies of their new album (Mojo Fix) after the service.

Stay after the service for the Congregational Meeting beginning at 12:30 PM.

During the meeting, the children and youth (with adult help) will be wrapping the gifts for the children of Community Support.  Be sure to bring those in by this Sunday if at all possible, and no later than Wednesday morning, when we will wrap the remainder.

9 December 2012 Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday (9 December 2012) at 11:00 AM for our recurring “Companions for the Journey” Worship Service.

This is a  quarterly service wherein three members of the church share the spiritual journeys that brought them to our doors and the reasons they stay.  We will hear Aria Chatman, Jason Drury, and Pat Knotts.

And please join us immediately following the service for the Monster Cookie Swap.

18 November 2012 Thanksgiving Worship Service and Feast

Please join us this Sunday (18 November 2012) at 11:00 AM for “A Service of Thanksgiving” — our annual Thanksgiving Service and Feast.

We begin with a brief service in the Sanctuary that continues with a Ritual of Thanksgiving in the Social Hall, followed immediately by an abundant feast, to which you are invited and encouraged to contribute as you are able.

If you are willing and able, please bring a dish to share. If you want specific information on what is still needed, you may email or call Sarah Boswell of the Food, Folks and Fun Committee (see below).

Otherwise, bring a pan of dressing (or, dare i say, even “stuffing” – I guarantee we’ll eat it no matter what we call it!), a vegetarian entree, your favorite vegetable side, a dessert or bread, an appetizer or a fruit or vegetable tray.  Bring anything that you feel is an indispensable part of a Thanksgiving meal, whether it’s a classic tradition or just a tradition in your family.

For information on how you can help with the feast, please email Sarah Boswell or call her at (318) 865-8831.

And if you can’t bring food, don’t let that stop you from coming — Join the Cleanup Crew:

If you often don’t or can’t hang around for cleanup, perhaps you can make a plan to do that this week out of gratitude to those who do it so often.  One thing we’ve learned from working the Highland Dinners is that many hands really do make light work, and a big cleanup crew = a fast cleanup for all!

11 November 2012 Worship Service

11:00 AM — “Welcoming Our Soldiers Home” — Sarah Boswell presents this Veteran’s Day service along with Phil Boswell, Megan Shay and others along with music from Bob Jordan.

Next week (18 November 2012) is our annual Thanksgiving Service and Feast.  We begin with a brief service in the Sanctuary that continues with a Ritual of Thanksgiving in the Social Hall, followed immediately by an abundant feast, to which you are invited and encouraged to contribute as you are able.

Watch your emails this week and next to learn what you can do or bring to help.

4 November 2012 Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (4 November 2012) at 11:00 AM for “Caught in an Inescapable Web of Mutuality:  Hostage or Healer — What Is the Zip Code of Beloved Community?”  Claudia Harris is in the pulpit this morning.  Come hear an inspiring message on the heels of a wildly successful Annual Gala.  The All Souls Choir will sing.

Don’t forget that this is the Sunday we fall back — so you can set your clocks back an hour (a lot of them will do it for you now, but check to be sure yours is one of those).   Get that precious extra hour of sleep and still make it to church.

Join us next Sunday (11 November 2012) as Phil and Sarah Boswell and Friends present a Veteran’s Day service — “Welcoming Home the Soldier Within.”  The service will include a tribute to veterans, as well as veteran Pamela Raintree’s tribute to the Transgender Day of Remembrance (which will be observed in Shreveport on 14 November 2012).

Continue reading “4 November 2012 Worship Service”

28 October 2012 Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (28 October 2012) at 11:00 AM for “Gifted.”  Rev. Susan Smith and Robert Smith will be with us to kick off the 2013 Stewardship Campaign.  Join us afterward for a Halloween Potluck and Trunk or Treat celebration after the service.

Next Week (4 November 2012) — “Caught in an Inescapable Network of Mutuality — Hostage or Healer:  What Is the Zip Code for the Beloved Community?” by Claudia Harris

21 October 2012 Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday (21 October 2012) at 11:00 AM for “Knocking Around and the Quest for Truth” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell with music from the All Souls Choir.

Next Sunday (28 October 2012) — Rev. Susan Smith and Robert Smith will be with us to kick off the 2013 Stewardship Campaign.  We will have a Potluck and Trunk or Treat after the 28 October 2012 service.

14 October 2012 Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday, 14 October 2012, at 11:00 AM for “Behaving, Believing, Belonging:  Growing a UU Identity at Any Age” — Community Worship by the Children, Youth and Adults of All Souls.

Taking our title from a book reflecting on the future of the Christian church, and a recent article by UU minister Rev. Stefan Jonasson on what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, we will explore these ideas in words spoken, prayed and sung.

This worship service features contributions of our Religious Education classes and music from the All Souls Choir.