Blessing of the Animals Worship — 2 October 2011

Join us Sunday (2 October 2011) at 11:00 AM worship service for our annual Blessing of the Animals.

This is the one time each year when our members and friends are invited to bring their animal companions into the sanctuary for a service in celebration of our shared home in the interdependent web of all life. This is also a time to honor the memory of the pets who have gone on before us.

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28 August 2011 Worship

11:00 AM Sunday, 28 August 2011 — Water Communion is a Unitarian Universalist tradition.  At summer’s end, we gather together bringing water from our various summer travels and experiences, briefly sharing our stories as we combine the water in a common bowl.  The water is then boiled, filtered and frozen for use in child dedications and other rituals throughout the coming year.  Bring water in a small container, or if you forgot or couldn’t bring it back with you, we will have “symbolic water” on hand.

Bring along a swim suit that day and join us afterward for the Swim Party and Cookout at the home of Laurie Lyons and Henry Walker in Shreveport.

21 August 2011 Worship

11:00 AM Sunday, 21 August 2011 — Rev. Barbara Jarrell is back in the pulpit.  Her sermon is “Unfamiliar Alliances.”

During the worship service, the children and youth will have a car wash to raise money for the playground fun.  Drop off your car before church, and have it washed by very conscientious and thorough young people supervised by very conscientious and thorough supportive adults.

Steve Caldwell and Abbas Moussaoui will be coordinating this car wash, so talk to them or contact Susan Caldwell if you can help.

Artist Sunday — 14 August 2011 Worship

11:00 AM Sunday, 14 August 2011 — Our annual Artist Sunday worship service.

This is one of our most beloved services of the year.  The service is an annual celebration of the arts in which each element of the worship service is an artistic performance of some kind —  song, dance, poetry, drama, instrumental music or something else entirely.

We will also have a visual arts show and sale in the Religious Education Wing after the service, and a special art project for the children and youth. Expect the unexpected, and don’t miss this service that never fails to amaze!

31 July 2011 Worship

You Don't Look Like Anyone I Know11:00 AM Sunday, 31 July 2011 — “You Don’t Look Like Anyone I Know” by Susan Caldwell (All Souls Director of Religious Education). Susan’s sermon is based on Heather Sellers book of the same name that explores the rare and fascinating disorder of prosopagnosia (face blindness) and the spiritual insights that one women’s journey may offer the rest of us.