Chan Hearron and Randall Lord continue their series of debates with the question “What Better Explains Morality — Naturalism or Supernaturalism?”
Please join us at All Souls on Saturday (4 October 2014) at 6:30 PM for this provocative dialogue.

Chan Hearron is a teacher of apologetics at Word of God Academy.
Randall Lord is a local chiropractor and member of Ark-La-Tex Freethinkers.
They have engaged in a series of debates over the years, covering such topics as Gay Marriage, Evolution vs. Creationism, and the Existence of God, among others.
Over the years, they have developed a friendship, and their debates are always conducted in a civil and respectful manner, though never without a sense of fun, as they truly enjoy the give-and-take.
Their commitment to civil dialogue and willingness to build and sustain relationship is a breath of fresh air in the current culture of argument and “who-can-shout-the-loudest-over-the-other.”