
Monster Cookie Swap (11 December 2016)

MittenCookiesBring a batch of cookies to swap — make one recipe of your own and take home a variety of cookies.

If you don’t bake, that’s even better.  You can make a donation to All Souls in lieu of providing cookies.  Or you can do both — bring cookies and make a donation.

There are always tons of cookies available — treat yourself to dessert or use them as neighbor / teacher gifts.

Drop your cookies off in the Social Hall prior to the worship service.  The cookie swap will be open before and after the Congregational Meeting.


Mitten Tree for Maggie Lee’s Closet

mittentreeBeginning 4 December 2016 through Christmas Eve — As we do every year, we will have our Mitten Tree up in the sanctuary.

We encourage our members and friends to bring new mittens, gloves, warm scarves, socks, and even sweaters or jackets in children’s sizes that we will donate to Maggie Lee’s Closet in the Highland Center Ministries.


Congregational Meeting Announcement — 11 December 2016

From: James Peck (All Souls Board Secretary)
To: All Members, Inactive Members, and Friends

In accordance with the bylaws of our church and as Secretary of the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist church will hold a Congregational Meeting on Sunday (11 December 2016) at 12:15 PM in the sanctuary.


  • Presentation of the 2017 Budget for Congregational Approval
  • Selection of congregational appointees to the Nominating Committee.

Please make every effort to attend.

All active members should attend this meeting or give their proxies to those who can.

Inactive members and friends of the church are invited and encouraged to participate but by-laws stipulate that only those members who have been active 30 days or longer may vote.

We must have a quorum. Child care provided.


Thanksgiving Worship Service and Feast (20 November 2016)

thanksgivingdinnerplatePlease join us on Sunday (20 November 2016) for our annual Thanksgiving Worship Service led by Rev. Barbara Jarrell which will be followed by our Thanksgiving feast.

As always, we will have a shorter service in the sanctuary followed by a Thanksgiving Communion ritual in the social hall and our feast.

If you wish to bring a dish for our Thanksgiving feast, here is how you can contact Amanda and let her know.


Adult Religious Education — 20 November 2016

earlychristianmosaicPlease join us on Sunday (20 November 2016) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education — Reclaiming Your Religious Vocabulary.

Are there certain words from religious language that conjure hurtful memories for you, simply “set your teeth on edge” or even trigger strong negative emotions?

Perhaps words like “sin,” “salvation,” or even “redemption,” “grace,” and “mercy” were words that meant you were excluded from the favored community.

Consider an opportunity to unpack, disarm, and reclaim these words in a safe setting, and in a context that could be meaningful and better suited to your current understanding of spirituality.  Join us — it could be fun!


Building and Grounds Work Day — 19 November 2016

BuildingAndGroundsOur monthly building and grounds work day is happening on Saturday (19 November 2016) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Still needing all who can come, still offering tasks inside and outside, for all ages and abilities.  Other than some basic cleaning inside and mowing outside, all the work to maintain our building and grounds is done by US, the members and friends of the church.

Working together is a great way to get to know your church community a little better, and to feel a sense of ownership in the community as well.

Stay the whole time or just an hour or so, as your schedule permits. Can’t stay? Consider dropping off snacks for the crew.
