
Holiday Party for Children and Youth (21 December 2014)

Because last Sunday’s holiday party was more of a marathon gift-wrapping party, we will also have a real holiday celebration for the kids during the 11:00 AM religious education class time on Sunday (21 December 2014) featuring games, crafts and snacks.

We’ll set up tables with the different activities and if you have a craft or game idea you’d like to share, please let Susan Caldwell know.


21 December 2014 Adult Religious Education Class

NaturesGodBookPlease join us on Sunday (21 December 2014) at 9:30 AM for our Adult Religious Education Class.  We will be continuing our discussion of Nature’s God:  The Heretical Origins of the American Republic by Matthew Stewart.

A very persuasive response to the idea that our country was founded as a “Christian nation,” Stewart’s work takes a close, fresh look at what the founders meant by the words in the Declaration of Independence (“the laws of nature and nature’s God”).

We will have a 2 more books available if you don’t have one yet.  We will be discussing Chapter 3 (“Epicurus’s Dangerous Idea”) which will also touch on the life of the 16th century monk Giordano Bruno (that name may sound familiar if you have seen the television series Cosmos with Neil Degrasse Tyson).

Find out what Epicurus, Bruno, and Thomas Jefferson could have possibly had in common.

Continue reading “21 December 2014 Adult Religious Education Class”


14 December 2014 All-Ages Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (14 December 2014) at 11:00 AM for “Who Is My Neighbor?”

This simple question asked of Jesus brought an answer that shaped his most important teachings.

XmasMenorahsJoin us as we explore the legacy of our Jewish and Christian Heritage and hear The Christmas Menorahs story — a modern tale of a community that remembered and put into practice the very best of both traditions.

A holiday party for children and youth will follow the service (before and during the Congregational Business Meeting at 12:30 PM).  Games, crafts, snacks, and gift-wrapping for the children receiving gifts through the PORTALS program offered by Community Support Programs, Inc.


Cookie Swap After Worship Service (14 December 2014)

MittenCookiesBakers — Bring a dozen or so cookies to swap.  All you need to bring is bring one batch and you can walk away with a dozen unique cookies!

Non-Bakers — Collect a plate of your favorites (for yourself or as a gift) and drop a monetary donation in the provided basket.

This year’s cookie swap proceeds benefit Restore All Souls Nature Trail (RANT).


14 December 2014 Adult Religious Education Class

NaturesGodBookPlease join us on Sunday (14 December 2014) at 9:30 AM as we continue our adult religious education class discussion on the book Nature’s God:  The Heretical Origins of the American Republic by Matthew Stewart.

A very persuasive response to the idea that our country was founded as a “Christian nation,” Stewart’s work takes a close, fresh look at what the founders meant by the words in the Declaration of Independence (“the laws of nature and nature’s God”).

Continue reading “14 December 2014 Adult Religious Education Class”


13 December 2014 Building and Grounds Work Day

BuildingAndGroundsOur monthly building and grounds work day is happening today (Saturday, 14 December 2014) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Weather permitting, work on the nature trail will continue.

If weather or your own preference determines an indoor mission, there are plenty of tasks available there, too.

Remember that we are the owners of our church building and that most of the work to maintain it is done by volunteers.  It’s also a great way to form friendships and build community — working side by side to beautify our space.


7 December 2014 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (7 December 2014) at 11:00 AM for “Exodus from the Door of No Return: Journey of an American Family” by Dr. Roy Phillips, Sr.

As the season of giving and thanksgiving gives way to the season of light, we turn our attention to a remarkable man and a journey that began years ago with a conversation with the author Alex Haley.

Dr. Roy Phillips has traced the roots of his family back to slavery days and before — back to their origins on the African continent.

In the course of his search for his own roots, Dr. Phillips has formed a relationship with the descendants of the family who owned his own, and he will speak to us on that seemingly impossible journey of reconciliation.

Religious Education classes for Children and Youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service, then are dismissed to their classes.


7 December 2014 Adult Religious Education

NaturesGodBookAdult religious education resumes 7 December 2014 — Nature’s God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic by Matthew Stewart.

A very persuasive response to the idea that our country was founded as a “Christian nation,” Stewart’s work takes a close, fresh look at what the founders meant by the words in the Declaration of Independence, “the laws of nature and nature’s God.”

The books are in — for this week, please read the Foreword, Chapters 1, and Chapter 2.

If you ordered a book and have not yet picked it up, call or text Susan Caldwell at 318-465-3427.  She will be at the church Saturday afternoon (6 December 2014).

Continue reading “7 December 2014 Adult Religious Education”


14 December 2014 Congregational Meeting

The Congregational Meeting has been moved to 12:30 PM on Sunday, 14 December 2014, in the Sanctuary.

From: Kathy Osuch, Board Secretary
To: All Members, Inactive Members, and Friends

In accordance with the Bylaws of our church, and as Secretary of  the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a Congregational Meeting in the sanctuary.

New Date and Time:  Sunday, 14 December 2014, 12:30 PM

On the Agenda

  1. Vote on 2015 Budget.
  2. Elect three members to Nominating Committee.
  3. Vote on amendments to bylaws.

Please make every effort to attend.  All active members should attend this meeting or give their proxies to those who can.  Inactive members and friends of the church are invited and encouraged to participate, but bylaws stipulate that only those members who have been active 30 days or longer may vote.  We must have a quorum.

Childcare provided.
