
16 November 2014 Adult Religious Education

Please join us on Sunday (16 November 2014) at 9:30 AM for our Adult Religious Education Class — An Introduction to Nature’s God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic by Matthew Stewart.

This book is a very persuasive response to the idea that our country was founded as a “Christian nation.”  Stewart’s work takes a close, fresh look at what the founders meant by the words in the Declaration of Independence — “the laws of nature and nature’s God.”

After this introduction, we will take orders for the book and continue our study of the book together on 7 December 2014.

Nursery Care is provided for the Adult Religious Education and Worship hours.  Activities for children and youth will be provided during the Adult Religious Education hour at 9:30 AM as well.

If you have an activity or project you would like to share with a multi-age group or you are simply willing to hang out with them on the playground or on our newly partially refurbished nature trail, please email Susan Caldwell or call her at (318) 465-3427.


9 November 2014 Worship Service

LoveTheHellOutOfTheWorldPlease join us on Sunday (9 November 2014) for our 11:00 AM Worship — “Life is a (Mission) Trip” by Rev. Ron Robinson.

Come and find out …

 … what a very few people can become and do when their lives catch on fire with mission to love who and what others find unloveable, or as we say, when they love the hell out of this world, and how this is part of a big revolution in the why of church, that affects the how, the what, and the who of church.

Rev. Ron Robinson is Executive Director of the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship, adjunct faculty in practical theology and director of ministerial formation at Phillips Theological Seminary, and founder of the Welcome Table Church and A Third Place Community Foundation in Turley OK.

You can also join us at 9:30 AM for an Adult Religious Education hour with Rev. Robinson.


8 November 2014 Building and Grounds Work Day

BuildingAndGroundsPlease join us on Saturday (8 November 2014) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly Building and Grounds Day Work Day.

If the weather permits, there will be tasks inside and out for all ages and abilities.

Special Volunteer Bonus — The family from Friday’s memorial service has graciously left us a huge pan of Shaver’s jambalaya for our dedicated volunteers.


9 November 2014 Adult Religious Education

Please join us at 9:30 AM on Sunday (9 November 2014) for “A Discussion with Rev. Ron Robinson.”  We will be learning more about his Welcome Table Church and A Third Place Community Foundation.

Nursery Care is provided for the Adult Religious Education and Worship hours.  Activities for children and youth will be provided during the Adult Religious Education hour at 9:30 AM as well.

If you have an activity or project you would like to share with a multi-age group or you are simply willing to hang out with them on the playground or on our newly partially refurbished nature trail, please email Susan Caldwell or call her at (318) 465-3427.


2 November 2014 Worship and Religious Education for Children and Youth

CarltonSmithPlease join us on Sunday (2 November 2014) at 11:00 AM for “We’ve Never Seen Anything Like this Before!” by Rev. Carlton Elliott Smith:

Launching from a story in the New Testament, we will explore what it means to create powerful relationships, to dare to try new things, and to make a difference in the lives of others.

The All Souls Choir will sing — many thanks to Robert Smith for stepping in to direct the choir.

Rev. Smith serves as one of seven Congregational Life Staff in the Southern Region of the Unitarian Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and is the primary UUA contact for congregations in Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi and Pensacola FL.

Previously, he was a parish minister, serving Unitarian Universalist congregations in New York/Northern New Jersey, northern California, greater Boston, and northern Virginia.  He lives in his hometown in northwest Mississippi.  Please join us to welcome Rev Smith to All Souls.

Religious Education classes for Children and Youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service, then are dismissed to their classes.


2 November 2014 Adult Religious Education

CarltonSmithPlease join us on Sunday morning (2 November 2014) at 9:30 AM for our Adult Religious Education Class — A Discussion with Rev. Carlton Smith.  Rev. Smith serves as one of seven Congregational Life Staff in the Southern Region of the Unitarian Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and is the primary UUA contact for congregations in Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi and Pensacola FL.

Since we recently finished our Sunday morning discussion of the UUA Common Read (Paul Rasor’s Reclaiming Prophetic Witness), we’ve asked Rev. Smith to talk with us about his perspective on our prophetic role as Unitarian Universalists in the public conversation.

Continue reading “2 November 2014 Adult Religious Education”


26 October 2014 Worship and Religious Education for Children and Youth

LadyCarlsonPlease join us on Sunday (26 October 2014) at 11:00 AM for “The Prophetic Imagination” by Lady Carlson (Organizer for Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith).

We are delighted to welcome back Lady Carlson — and it might not surprise you to learn that she is all about our recent theme of speaking with a prophetic voice of faith as we work to create beloved community that never fails to consider “the least of these” and truly leaves no one behind.

Religious Education classes for Children and Youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service, then are dismissed to their classes.


26 October 2014 Adult Religious Education

LadyCarlsonPlease join us on Sunday (25 October 2014) at 9:30 AM for our Adult Religious Education class — A Discussion with Lady Carlson (Organizer for Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith).

Come and spend a bonus hour with the always-inspiring and energizing Lady Carlson.  We may have some Walter Brueggemann, some Interfaith updates, some talk about the future of workforce development in Northwest Louisiana, some more inspiration for our own prophetic witness … we will just get started and see where it goes!

Continue reading “26 October 2014 Adult Religious Education”


All Souls Annual Gala and Silent Auction (25 October 2014)

All Souls Annual Gala and Silent Auction — Saturday (25 October 2014) from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM


Featuring …

  • Live music from Air Heart!
  • The Return of the Photo Booth!
  • Dinner, Drinks, and Great Shopping Opportunities!
  • Want to help? Help by showing up!

Countdown to the Gala …

3.  Get your tickets (we have some donated tickets from those unable to attend, so if money is tight, please ask a board or staff member)

2.  Plan your costume – there’s still time! — A bed sheet could be a toga, old jeans with a hat, flannel shirt and some pine straw make you a scarecrow, or come as you were 20 years ago or as you think you’ll be in 20 years.

1.  Come to the Gala and have great food, music and fun!


Interfaith Get Out the Vote Campaign (25 October 2014)

On Saturday (25 October 2014) from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, Interfaith will be involved with two different Get Out the Vote campaigns.


The first campaign is an effort to pull people together to go to the Registrar of Voters Office on Marshall Street to vote early in advance of the 4 November 2014 election.  Early voting is going on now through 28 October 2014.

The second is to participate in a Get Out the Vote Campaign by phone banking at All Souls.  We are targeting specific households in specific precincts where voter turnout drops off drastically for midterm elections.

  • Bring your cell phone and we’ll give you a list to call as well as a script and a form for recording the results of your calls.
  • This is a strictly non-partisan Get Out the Vote effort not on behalf of any candidate or party.

Email Susan Caldwell for more information or just show up with your cell phone.
