
21 September 2014 Worship and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (21 September 2014) for our 11:00 AM Worship Service — “Turning Rocks to Reason” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.


Rev. Jarrell is back in the pulpit this morning and we welcome our special musical guest Dirty Red.

At this time of year, our friends in the Jewish community are observing Rosh Hashanah, or “the head of the year” (Jewish New Year) , the beginning of the High Holy Days, and a time of new beginnings as well as casting off what no longer serves.

Join us for apples and honey and the sweetness of a fresh start.

Religious Education classes for Children and Youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service, then are dismissed to their classes.


Adult Religious Education Begins This Sunday (21 September 2014)

ReclaimingPropheticWitnessBookPlease join us this Sunday (21 September 2014) at 9:30 AM for our Adult Religious Education Class.

This fall, we’ll be reading and discussing the UUA Common Read — Reclaiming Prophetic Witness: Liberal Religion in the Public Square by Paul Rasor.

Rasor makes the point that this is a crucial time for a liberal religious voice that has gone missing from public dialogue.

Continue reading “Adult Religious Education Begins This Sunday (21 September 2014)”


Interfaith Candidate Accountability Night (18 September 2014)

This is a reminder to all our All Souls folks who signed up to turn out for the Accountability meeting:

If you will RSVP by email to Susan Caldwell and let us know you received this reminder and are still planning to come, that will save us from making phone calls.

All of the mayoral candidates and most of the school board candidates will be there.

As a reminder, Interfaith is a non-partisan organization and this is a non-partisan event — candidates and supporters are asked not to wear, bring, or distribute any campaign apparel, paraphernalia or literature.

If you do so, you will be politely asked to put it back in your car and/or turn your shirt inside out.

Remember, also, that this is different from a forum. Candidates are asked specific questions about whether or not they will work with Interfaith on our agenda of issues, and at the end they are given a short period of time to lay out their vision for Shreveport. They will not take questions from the floor.

To learn more, visit the Interfaith website at

Thank you for turning out to represent All Souls and stand in solidarity with our Interfaith partners — see you there.


14 September 2014 Worship and Religious Education

Please join us on Sunday (14 September 2014) for our 11:00 AM Worship Service — “Turning and Returning:  A Homecoming Celebration.”

Rev. Barbara Jarrell is in the pulpit this morning.  The All Souls Choir will sing with special guests Lane Bayliss, Joel Boultinghouse, and vocal soloist Terry McNeil.

We will have an Ingathering of New Members, and we will honor those members of 25 years and longer standing.

Children and youth will be in the service for the first 15-20 minutes and then go to their Religious Education classes.


7 September 2014 Worship and Religious Education

Please join us on Sunday (7 September 2014) at 11:00 AM for “To Be Religious Liberals in a Trying State.  Rev. Barbara Jarrell is back in the pulpit this morning and the All Souls choir will sing.

Havard Scott and Sergio Prieto of Shreveport were legally married in another state in 2010, and are one of four couples who sued to challenge Louisiana’s ban on same-sex marriage and failure to recognize the legality of their own marriage. On Wednesday, Federal District Judge Martin Feldman bucked the trend of recent court rulings and upheld the ban.

Weeks like this past one can make the road seem longer and rockier.  Let us gather for companionship and new energy for the journey.

Children and youth will be in the service for the first 15-20 minutes and then go to their Religious Education classes.


31 August 2014 Worship and Religious Education

Please join us on Sunday (31 August 2014) at 11:00 AM for our Sunday Worship — “Prophetic Witness: Two Portraits.”

All Souls members Richard Denton and Steve Caldwell will speak on men from our Unitarian, Universalist, or Unitarian Universalist history who have inspired or influenced their own faith journeys.

Children and youth will be in the service for the first 15-20 minutes and then go to their Religious Education classes.


24 August 2014 Worship and Religious Education

Please join us on Sunday (24 August 2014) at 11:00 AM for our worship service and religious education classes for children and youth.

The sermon will be “AVP and You” by Robert Jordan PhD and Kathryn Osuch LPC LMFT.

All Souls members Kathy Osuch and Bob Jordan are trained facilitators in the Alternatives to Violence Project — a program that has transformed lives in schools, churches, prisons, and wherever the workshops have been offered.  They hope to offer the workshops again at All Souls in the near future and — considering recent events both far and near — the experience will be a timely one for all of us.

Children and youth will be in the service for the first 15-20 minutes and then go to their Religious Education classes.


17 August 2014 Water Communion Worship Service

WaterCommunionPlease join us on Sunday (17 August 2014) at 10:30 AM for “Is the Flow Downhill?” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

This is our annual “Water Communion” worship service —  an annual tradition in ours and many other Unitarian  Universalist congregations.

Water Communion allows us an opportunity to reunite after the summer and tell each other something of our experiences as we bring a small gift of water (whether from the source of our experience or symbolically so) and to blend our waters as we blend our stories.

This is not just a travelogue.  The water might be from Tanganyika, or it might be from the tap in your new apartment or a puddle where you watched tadpoles with a small child.

The water is added to water from previous Water Communions, then boiled, filtered and frozen to be saved for rituals involving water such as child dedications, and of course, future water communions.

Join us after the service for the Swim Party at the home of Laurie Lyons and Henry Walker.


Swim Party and Potluck — 17 August 2014

SwimPartyPlease join us on Sunday (17 August 2014) after the Sunday worship service for our annual Swim Party and Potluck (12:00-2:30 PM)

The swim party will be at the Home of Laurie Lyons and Henry Walker (441 Drexel Drive, Shreveport LA).

Bring your suits with you to church that day, along with a side dish, appetizer, or dessert to share at our Swim Party and Potluck.

We will have burgers and hot dogs (along with vegetarian versions of both).  We’ll also provide water, tea and lemonade.

We’re looking forward to sharing this All Souls End-of-Summer tradition, and many thanks once again to Laurie and Henry for allowing us to have it in such a beautiful setting.


Religious Education Teacher Training — 20 August 2014

Please join us on Wednesday (20 August 2014) from 6:00 – 8:30 PM for religious education teacher training for adults working with children and youth.

If you have been a member or regularly attending friend of All Souls for six months or longer, you are eligible to teach.

Teacher Training covers:

  • Basics of child development
  • Basics of childhood spiritual development
  • Curriculum and implementation tips
  • Safety
  • Icebreakers and team-building activities
  • Where to find supplies in the Religious Education Wing
  • Answers to your questions


