
9 June 2013 Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday (9 June 2013) at 11:00 AM for “A Little Love for the Journey” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

This is Barbara’s last sermon for the month of June as she begins the first part of her summer vacation and study break.  The All Souls Choir will sing and we will also have an installation of the new Board along with an opportunity to thank and honor our departing and currently serving Board members.

We will also have a Newcomer Information Session immediately following this worship service.


Tie-Dye Sunday (9 June 2013)

Every year at All Souls, the Sunday before Father’s Day is Tie-Dye Sunday!  This is a fun way to make special gifts for Dads and other special grown-ups in the lives of our children.


Children and youth need to bring a 100% cotton t-shirt or other fabric item (pre-washed is better).  You may bring more than one item to dye but we will need to make sure that all supplies are shared adequately.  Adults and older youth who “know the drill” will be there to walk the children through the process.

Although we do have old t-shirts available as cover-ups, we heartily recommend dressing your children in old clothes and shoes for this project.  The dyes we use are strong and permanent.


Bill Johnston Memorial Service (13 June 2013)


The memorial service for Bill Johnston will happen this Thursday (13 June 2013), 7:00 PM at All Souls.

Bill passed away last week of natural causes. We will celebrate Bill’s life with a memorial service in the sanctuary followed by a sharing in the social hall of the fellowship he loved so much as a part of this church community.



2 June 2013 Worship Service

“Kindling the Flame Within” — 11:00 AM Worship Service for 2 June 2013.

Join the children, youth, and adults of the congregation — along with the All Souls Choir — to celebrate the light within each and every one of us and the ways in which we can share that light with the wider world.

This is also a time when we celebrate the transitions of our children and youth, the end of our pillar on Personal Spiritual Growth, and the end of the 2012-2013 Religious Education year.

Don’t forget that this is the Sunday to bring back your Guest At Your Table boxes or envelopes for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee.  We will also take an additional collection for the Standing on the Side of Love Fund to benefit undocumented immigrant tornado victims in Oklahoma.


26 May 2013 Worship

Please join us this Sunday (26 May 2013) at 11:00 AM for “Who Goes There?” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell. We will also hear some fantastic music from our guests — Buddy Flett and Tim Brogan — and from the All Souls Choir. A Newcomer Information Session will follow the service.

Parents — please make every effort to have your children and youth in attendance for the next two Sundays.

Continue reading “26 May 2013 Worship”


19 May 2013 Worship — Emerson Award-winner Lillian Moskeland

On Sunday (19 May 2013) at 11:00 AM, All Souls will present the Ralph Waldo Emerson Award to a member of the wider community whose life and work best exemplifies the values and principles of liberal religion.

This year’s award goes to Lillian Moskeland for her immigration work with the Sisters of Loretto bearing witness and seeking to meet the needs of immigrants in for-profit detention centers at the Mexican border.

Lillian will be the speaker at this Sunday’s service.  Please join us to welcome and celebrate her work.

Continue reading “19 May 2013 Worship — Emerson Award-winner Lillian Moskeland”


12 May 2013 Worship

Please join us at 11:00 AM on 12 May 2013 — Robin Drury and Danette Moore will share their perspectives on motherhood as we honor the art of mothering.  The All Souls Choir will sing.

And be sure to join us the following week (19 May 2013) when we present the Ralph Waldo Emerson Award to Lillian Moskeland for her immigration work with the Sisters of Loretto.  We will also have an ingathering of new members next Sunday and a reception for our Emerson recipient following the service.


Feed the Fuller Center Builders (Friday, 3 May 2013)

FullerCenterLogoAn Opportunity to Feed the Fuller Center Builders — Friday, 3 May 2013 — Volunteers Arrive at 5:15 PM — Our Lady of The Blessed Sacrament (1558 Buena Vista, Shreveport LA).

Many of you may have heard that Roger Waters of Pink Floyd has made a large donation to the Fuller Center for Housing for the purpose of building houses for veterans.

Every week, crews from all over the country are coming in to work on the build for a week at a time.

Congregations and other organizations from across the Shreveport-Bossier area are taking turns feeding the workers.

Friday (3 May 2013) All Souls will provide dinner as a part of the Highland Ministries Partnership (Note – you will also see the workers when they come to eat at the Highland Blessing Dinner on Thursday evening).

Continue reading “Feed the Fuller Center Builders (Friday, 3 May 2013)”
