
6 May 2012 Worship Service

This Sunday (6 May 2012) at 11:00 AM, please join us for “Companions for the Journey” — our quarterly series featuring reflections from our members on the spiritual journeys that brought them to our doors and the reasons they stay.

We will hear from Sarah Boswell, Bennett Upton, and Ron Thurston. The All Souls Choir will sing as well.

Next Sunday (13 May 2012), Rev. Barbara Jarrell returns to the pulpit.


All Souls Choir — May 2012 Volunteer of the Month

Our choice for the May 2012 Volunteer of the Month is a harmonious team.

They have entertained us and made a definite spiritual impact on us.  It is no wonder because are led by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  They prove that we are greater together than we are separately.

In addition to the multi-talented Rev. Jarrell, the choir currently consists of:

  • Sopranos: Sam Adams, Renee Boswell, Pamela Carlisle, Danette Moore
  • Altos: Susan Caldwell, Maryanne Cummings, Katie Drew, Virginia Villarreal
  • Tenors: Gail Burt, Bob Jordan, Terry McNeil, Pamela Raintree
  • Basses: Phil Boswell, Rick Carlisle, Richard Denton.

The Volunteer of the Month parking space will be available to the first choir member to arrive at church on Sunday (a plot to encourage early attendance … of course not).


Announcement of Congregational Meeting (27 May 2012)

  • From:  Virginia Villarreal (All Souls Board Secretary)
  • To:  All Members, Inactive Members and Friends:

In accordance with the bylaws of our church and as secretary of the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, 27 May 2012, at 12:30 PM in the sanctuary.


  1. Read and approve Minutes of last Congregational Meeting
  2. Elect four Board Members for 2012- 2013
  3. Inform the congregation on the steps taken by the Board to study our options regarding the future of the building.

Though all are welcome to attend, our bylaws stipulate that only members who have been active members for 30 days or longer may vote.  We must have a quorum.  Childcare will be provided.


Capital Fund Drive Success!

With a goal of $30,000 and only 6 weeks to attain that goal, we outdid ourselves by donating a total of $58,865 for repairs and construction required for the immediate erosion problems.  It was because of the generosity and dedication of our members and friends that we were able to achieve such a result.

Work has been completed for the immediate repairs and plans are underway to begin the topography and erosion reports necessary to determine a plan of action for erosion control throughout the church property.

The money raised that will not be used for this project (approximately $28,000) will be set aside in the savings account and will be used sparingly and with full disclosure to the congregation.

[Submitted by Laurie Lyons — All Souls Treasurer]


UUA Nominating Committee Seeking Candidates for Elected Volunteer Positions

Your help is needed!  The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for elected volunteer positions in the UUA.

Are there people in your congregation or in other congregations — ready to serve in the following volunteer roles:

  • UUA Board Trustee
  • Financial Advisor
  • Presidential Search Committee
  • Commission on Appraisal
  • GA Planning Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Commission on Social Witness member
  • Board of Review

Continue reading “UUA Nominating Committee Seeking Candidates for Elected Volunteer Positions”


29 April 2012 Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday (29 April 2012) at 11:00 AM to hear “Eastern Religion’s Alternatives to Western Religion’s Trinities” by Ron Babers Hagar

Back by popular demand from his new home in Waco TX, Ron is in the pulpit this morning and the All Souls Choir will sing a special song chosen by Ron especially for this service.

Those of you who know Ron already know what a unique experience a service of his can be and you will want to come and welcome Ron and Cheryl back to town.  If you’ve never been to one of Ron’s services, you are in for a treat.

Next Sunday (6 May 2012) — “Companions for the journey” — Our quarterly series of Member Reflections continues as Sarah Boswell, Heather Muse and Ron Thurston share the spiritual journeys that brought them to All Souls, and the reasons they stay.


22 April 2012 Earth Day Worship Service and Chili Cook-off

Please join us on Sunday, 22 April 2012, at 11:00 AM for “A Web of Roots:  A Celebration of Earth Day.”

Rev, Barbara Jarrell is in the pulpit and the All Souls Choir will sing.

We will have a Newcomer Information Session following the service and — of course — everyone will want to stay and vote for their favorite chili in the All Souls Chili Cook-Off.


Interdependence Day Worship — 11:00 AM – Sunday, 15 April 2012

Please join us at 11:00 AM on Sunday, 15 April 2012 to celebrate our pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.

The children, youth and adults of All Souls will explore the many ways we practice the Seventh Principle in our relationship to the Earth and to each other.

The All Souls Choir will sing, and this is also your last opportunity to hear Joshua Pepper at the piano before he leaves Shreveport.  Please come to be with us to enjoy the music and wish Joshua well.

Next week (22 April 2012) is Earth Day and Reverend Barbara Jarrell will be in the pulpit.


Third Annual All Souls Chili Cook-Off — Sunday, 22 April 2012

Next Sunday (22 April 2012) after the 11:00 AM worship service, we will be having our annual chili cook-off competition.

Who will win the Coveted Chili Chalice?

The Chili Cook-Off is a fun event as well as a fundraiser for the church. Voters vote with their dollars and — in that fine old Louisiana tradition — it is not only permissible but expected and condoned to “vote early and vote often.”


2012 Nominating Committee Deadline — Sunday, 15 April 2012

The Nominating Committee has been meeting to develop a slate of nominees for the 2012-2013 Board of Trustees.  Open positions are for Vice President and Member-at-Large.

These positions require time and commitment but would be very rewarding in terms of personal growth and a greater sense of ownership in your church. The committee is asking all members to give thoughtful consideration to these positions for yourselves or for someone you recommend.

The committee needs the names of potential candidates by this Sunday, 15 April 2012, to complete their work.

If you wish to offer your own name or someone else’s for consideration, please contact any member of the Nominating Committee or the church office.

  • Ron Thurston — Nominating Committee Chair (Home — 318-300-9509)
  • Claudia Harris
  • Joshua Lawrence
  • Jonathan Gibson
  • Carol Graywing