
All-Ages Holiday Party — 18 December 2011

After the 11:00 AM Winter Holiday worship service on 18 December 2011, please stick around to enjoy a party for all ages!

Bring some hearty, nutritious finger foods to share, and join in the fun!

Activities will include cookie-decorating, the usual action-packed dreidel table (oh, I suppose you think I’m kidding about “action-packed”?), ornament and gift bag-making, and — of course — giftwrapping the presents for our Angel Tree.

There are numerous ways to help. To offer your assistance or for more information, contact Cherrie Groves.


Notice of Congregational Meeting — 11 December 2011

From: Virginia Villarreal (All Souls Board Secretary)

To: All Members, Inactive Members and Friends

In accordance with the Bylaws of our church, and as Secretary of the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a Congregational Meeting.

Date: Sunday, 11 December 2011 at 12:30 PM in the sanctuary.


  • Vote on the Annual Budget
  • Nominate 3 members to serve on the Nominating Committee

Please make every effort to attend.

All active members should attend this meeting or give their proxies to those who can.

Inactive members and friends of the church are invited and encouraged to participate, but bylaws stipulate that only those members who have been active 30 days or longer may vote.

We must have a quorum. Childcare will be provided.


Bennett, Grant, Mason and Gretchen Upton — November 2011 Volunteers of the Month

The more the merrier they say, and that is certainly true for the November 2001 Volunteers of the Month.

The Council would like to recognize the hard and consistent work of Bennett, Grant, Mason and Gretchen Upton.  They have helped at most every Building and Grounds day as well as being willing to do whatever is asked of them.  Grant helped with the recent Blessing of the Animals. We look forward to working with them on future projects.


Next Week in the Wider Community

The League of Women Voters is sponsoring a Habitability Forum featuring representatives of all stakeholders in this complex issue. This event will happen on Tuesday (15 November 2011) from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum.  All Souls members who not involved with the Board and Council meeting are encouraged to attend and show your interest and support.

Shreveport Church of Hope is sponsoring a forum titled “Reaching Out to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Victims of Intimate Partner Abuse.”  This event is happening on Tuesday (15 November 2011) at 7:00 PM at Shreveport Church of Hope (1714 Highland Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana).  All Souls members not involved with the Board and Council meeting are encouraged to attend and show your interest and support. For more information, contact Daisy L. at (318) 226-5015.


2012 Stewardship Campaign

Have you had a chance to talk to your Stewardship Campaign Representative?

If you are an active member, you most likely have been contacted by one of the stewards of this year’s campaign to support the ministries of the church.  You have either had or are planning to have a conversation with the steward about your own stake in the church and your hopes and dreams for its future.

We hope that you have welcomed this opportunity to pause and consider the spiritual dimension of your gifts to the church.

Still haven’t heard from your steward?  If you haven’t been contacted by the end of today (Friday, 11 November 2011), call Robert Smith (Stewardship Campaign Chair) at 318-861-8976 or email him at


“High School Reunion” Silent Auction – 19 November 2011

Whether you usually attend them, organize them or avoid them, you will NOT want to miss this High School Reunion.

That’s the theme of this year’s fabulous Silent Auction Party where the auction is silent, but the party is not!

Dress as you did in high school …

Or dress as you would to go to your high school reunion …

Or dress as if you went to high school in the fashion era of your choice.

The party will be at Cohabitat (610 Commerce Street, Shreveport, Louisiana) on Saturday, 19 November 2011, from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM.

The event is catered by A Stone’s Throw Cafe with musical entertainment by Lip Service Trio and Twang Darkly.

Other entertainment by … oh, wait, that’s a surprise.

Tickets are $10.00 per person, and we are selling tickets, not just reservations. They are for sale in the church foyer, and you will want to bring your ticket with you to the auction, because …

Oh, wait … that’s a surprise, too.

Tons of fabulous items for bidding, which is where you come in! Forms for making and soliciting donations will be available in the foyer when you buy your tickets.  Take a bunch — we can make more!

And do go back and read your Friday Silent Auction email for all the juicy details on this fabulous event!  See you there!


No “New UU” Class This Week (15 November 2011)

There is no “New UU” class this week (Tuesday, 15 November 2011) due to the Board and Council Meetings.

Our next and last class in the series will be “The Meaning of Membership” (Tuesday, 22 November 2011, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM).

Also great for the not-so-wew member, this adult religious education class offers an overview of Unitarian Universalist history, religious education, polity and governance, and our tradition of social justice.

For this final class, we will celebrate our time together, discuss any remaining questions and explore the rights and responsibilities of membership.  This is a chance to learn more about our congregation and our faith, and to form closer relationships within a small group of fellow members and friends.  All sessions stand well on their own and are open to newcomers, although we do encourage you to take the complete series of classes when you can.  We will offer the class again in the spring.
