
2012 Nominating Committee at Work

The Nominating Committee had its first meeting on Sunday, 25 March 2012 with Claudia Harris, Carol Graywing, Joshua Lawrence and Ron Thurston attending.

The purpose of the committee is to develop a slate of nominees which will be presented to the Congregation at the May 2012 congregational meeting for the Vice President and Member at-Large on the All Souls Board.

These positions require time and commitment but would be very rewarding in terms of personal growth and working elbow to elbow with the church leadership.  The committee is asking all members of the congregation to strongly consider these positions for yourselves or recommend another member with that person’s consent.  We would appreciate having the names of interested members to us by 15 April 2012 so we can finalize our work.

Should you have interest in these positions or wish to recommend another member, please contact any member of the Nominating Committee or the church office.

  • Ron Thurston, Chair (Home Phone 318-300-9509)
  • Claudia Harris
  • Joshua Lawrence
  • Jonathan Gibson
  • Carol Graywing

Erosion Repair Contractor Meeting — Saturday, 7 April 2012 at 12:00 PM

On 22 March 2012, the Board voted to accept the proposal by Ronald G. Carlson Inc. for the work to control the growing erosion gully which has been threatening the sanctuary foundation.

The successful bid is a proposal for a collection box to be located where the collapsed sidewalk segment was, which will then feed water into an open topped concrete flume (basically, a shallow, open topped concrete lined trough) that will run down the slope to an outflow near the bayou.

Additionally, a concrete curb will be cast in place on the lawn side of the sidewalk along the northwest side of the sanctuary to contain and control the run-off of water from the roof downspouts. Due to the soil character and steepness of the slope the work will be almost entirely hand labor.

Mr. Carlson has agreed to come and discuss the project in detail with board members and all interested parties on Saturday, 7 April 2012, at 12:00 PM.

Continue reading “Erosion Repair Contractor Meeting — Saturday, 7 April 2012 at 12:00 PM”

1 April 2012 Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday (1 April 2012) at 11:00 AM for “Maybe the Joke’s on Us.”  Rev. Barbara Jarrell is in the pulpit this morning, and the All Souls Choir will sing.

Before and after church, check out the Easter Bake and Gift Sale in the Social Hall.  If you have baked g00ds or gift items to donate for the sale, please bring them to church by 10:15 AM Sunday.

Emerson Award to Lady Carlson — 18 March 2012

Please join us this Sunday (18 March 2012) at our 11:00 AM worship service where we will present the Ralph Waldo Emerson Award to Lady Carlson (Organizer for Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith).  Ms. Carlson will also be the speaker for this service.

The Emerson Award is presented each year to an individual or organization from the wider community whose work exemplifies the values and principles of liberal religion.

We honor Lady for her achievements in bringing people together across lines of race, religion, politics, economics and geography to work for meaningful change in our community, and for doing so with deep respect for all faith traditions, which she expresses in concert with her own abiding Christian faith.

We will have a reception for Lady following the service.  If you can bring finger foods (cookies, vegetable and fruit trays, nuts, mints, chips and dips, cheese and crackers, or your own fancy appetizer specialties) please contact Cherrie Groves Moussaoui or Amanda Lawrence.  They can also use help with set-up and clean-up.

Iron-Jawed Angels — Thursday, 15 March 2012

Please join us this Thursday (15 March 2012) at 7:00 PM for a screening of the film Iron-Jawed Angels.

If you missed the League of Women Voters showing of this film a few weeks ago, you will get another chance to see it.

Hilary Swank and Frances O’Connor, as suffragist activists Alice Paul and Lucy Burns, lead an outstanding cast in this remarkable retelling of the true story of the the struggle to attain the vote for women between 1912 and the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.  Director Katja von Garnier’s use of modern music and camera technique turns the whole idea of a “period piece” on its head. She truly brings home the power of what these women accomplished, and what they endured in the process.

Free of charge and open to the public.  Light snacks provided.

Child care available upon request.  If you are coming, please RSVP by calling the church at 318-868-3313 or by emailing Susan Caldwell.  Let us know at that time if you will need child care.

Please Note — High school youth are welcome and encouraged to attend accompanied by a parent or with parental permission.  This film has no MPAA rating because it wasn’t released for screening in movie theaters (it was created for HBO and was broadcast on cable TV).  There are some strong scenes of violence, particularly when the women are imprisoned and force-fed, as well as brief nudity and sexuality.  A rough guess for a rating would be somewhere between PG-13 and R based on the webmaster’s memory of this film.  The international movie content ratings for this film can be found online here in case you need additional information for making this decision.

Building and Grounds Work Day — 17 March 2012

 Please join us this Saturday (17 March 2012) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

We will undoubtedly have a lot of guests this Sunday and will want our church home to look its very best! Plenty of tasks inside and out — suited to all ages and abilities.

It’s also a good chance to work side by side with your All Souls friends and get to know them better.

If you have a shovel and you’re not afraid to use it, or … even if you’re currently unable to use it but you don’t mind if someone else does, please bring it on Saturday. Thanks!

Daylight Savings Time Tonight

If you have any clocks that don’t reset themselves for Daylight Savings Time, don’t forget to reset them before you go to sleep tonight.

Daylight Savings Times officially goes into effect at 2:00 AM on Sunday, 11 March 2012 (but we won’t alert the authorities if you reset your clocks early).

You don’t want to miss tomorrow’s service featuring Loren Demerath in the pulpit and music from the All Souls Choir!

11 March 2012 Worship Service

This Sunday (11 March 2012) at 11:00 AM, join us to hear Dr. Loren Demerath speak on “The Meaning of Life and Goodness, Scientifically.”

The All Souls Choir will sing with Joshua Pepper at the piano.

And mark your calendars now for next week (18 March 2012) when we present the Ralph Waldo Emerson Award to Lady Carlson.

Short-Term Capital Fund Drive for Collapsed Sidewalk Repair

Last Sunday (26 February 2012), a congregational meeting was held to inform members of the status of the collapsed sidewalk adjacent to the north side of the sanctuary.

Sidewalk Hole

The sidewalk’s collapse due to erosion necessitated meetings with engineers and contractors to determine action needed not only for initial repairs, but also preventive measures.

The engineers recommended repair of the sidewalk, construction of appropriate drainage systems to divert rainfall away from the sidewalk, and replacement of gutters on the sanctuary.  Because erosion is a continuing problem, a topography map and erosion report on the entire church property is necessary.  The engineers assured the building and sanctuary are structurally sound, but warned that the initial repairs begin within 30 to 60 days to prevent more serious problems.  Initial bids indicate the cost will be up to $30,000.

After significant discussion, the congregation voted in favor of allowing the Board of Directors to contract for up to $30,000 for the necessary repairs and reports, that a short-term capital fund drive be held to raise the necessary funds, and that no work begin until all funds needed have been actually received.  It was reported that if each family donate an additional 20% of its annual pledge for 2012, the $30,000 can be raised.

Letters will be sent to members asking that they submit their pledge by 18 March 2012 and that actual payment be made by Easter Sunday (8 April 2012).

[Submitted by Laurie Lyons — All Souls Treasurer and Capital Fund Drive Chair]