
Red River Radio Needs You!

The Pledge Drive is still happening at KDAQ and they may still need a few volunteers to work the phones on some shifts.

Volunteers who work a two-hour shift or more can help us to earn a day sponsorships for All Souls.

If you have any time to spare between now and 28 October 2011, please call Henry Edwards at 318-797-5154 and ask him to put you on the schedule.  Then when you sign in, be sure and write that you are working for All Souls.

“Out of the Darkness” Suicide Prevention Walk — 22 October 2011

It’s not too late to donate!  And it’s not too late to register to walk with us this Saturday (22 October 2011) at 10:00 AM (Southern Hills Park, Shreveport, Louisiana),

The team will meet at 9:00 AM at the playground.

Shreveweave (the All Souls chapter of Interweave Continental) is participating as a team in the Shreveport Out of the Darkness Walk sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).

Bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender adolescents commit suicide at a higher rate than their straight peers and Shreveweave is proud to be fielding a team to raise money for AFSP.

Do you want to donate?  Or do you want to walk with us?  Click on this link and donate to the team member of your choice or join our team!

Brown Bag Discussion — 26 October 2011

Our October documentary theme continue with At The End of Slavery:  The Battle for Justice in Our Time.

This is a documentary from the International Justice Mission that will be screened on Wednesday, 26 October 2011, from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM

If you missed the first showing of this film, here is another chance to see it.

In the same way that this picture of the slave ship Brookes galvanized thousands of people who had never seen or owned a slave, IJM hopes this powerful 30-minute film will awaken the world to the modern practice of human trafficking.

Join us to learn more about what you can do now to begin to end slavery around the world, here in the U.S. and even right here in Shreveport.

“The New UU” Adult Religious Education Class — 25 October 2011

On Tuesday (25 October 2011) at 6:30 PM, we will be exploring “Our Philosophy of Religious Education.”

“The New UU” class meets every Tuesday between 4 October 2011 and 22 November 2011 at 6:30 PM.

This class is also great for the not-so-new UU — we will offer an overview of Unitarian Universalist history, religious education, polity and governance and our tradition of social justice.

This week we will take a closer look at Religious Education in our faith tradition and in our congregation.

We provide you with a chance to learn more about our congregation and our faith, and to form closer relationships within a small group of fellow members and friends. All sessions are open to newcomers — although we do encourage you to take the complete series of classes when you can.

There will be no class on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 because of the Board and Council Meeting.

We will be polling the group to decide if our last session will be on 22 November 2011 (Tuesday of Thanksgiving week) or 29 November 2011 (Tuesday following Thanksgiving Week).

“High School Reunion” Silent Auction — 19 November 2011

“High School Reunion” is the theme of this year’s fabulous Silent Auction Party where the auction is silent, but the party is not!

Dress as you did in high school, or as you can dress to go to your high school reunion, or as you can dress as if you went to high school in the era of your choice, and meet us at Cohabitat (610 Commerce Street, Shreveport, Louisiana), 6:30 PM – 9:30 AM – Saturday, 19 November 2011.

Catering by A Stone’s Throw Cafe and music by Lip Service Trio and Twang Darkly.

Other entertainment by … oh, wait, that’s a surprise …

Tickets are $10.00 per person, and we are selling tickets — not just reservations.  They are for sale in the foyer, and you will want to bring your ticket with you to the auction, because …

Oh, wait … that’s a surprise, too …

Tons of fabulous items for bidding, which is where you come in!

Forms for making and soliciting donations will be available in the foyer when you buy your tickets.  Take a bunch!  We can make more!

Sunday, 16 October 2011 at All Souls

Sunday, 16 October 2011 – 11:00 AM — “Holy Ground: A Place for Character” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  The All Souls Choir will sing as well at this worship service.

Join us after the worship service for a viewing of At The End of Slavery — a documentary from International Justice Mission who works to end human trafficking around the globe. Come and learn how you can help, starting right in this meeting.

News for Week of 8 October 2011

Worship – 11:00 AM, Sunday, 9 October 2011 — “Companions for the Journey” — our quarterly series featuring reflections from three of our members on the journey that led them to All Souls, and the reasons they stay. This month, we will hear from Cherrie Groves Moussaoui, John Allen and Patrick Early.


Pancake Breakfast – 9:30 AM-10:45 AM, Sunday, 9 October 2011 — Pancake Breakfast Fund-raiser — Come join us for a pancake breakfast with pancakes, sausage, vegetarian sausage, and more! Cost is your donation (no one is turned away) and the proceeds go to building air conditioning fund.


We need some REcycling!  If you have some empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls, bring them to the Pre-K/K-1 class in Room 1 before the service this Sunday Only (9 October 2011). They will be making shakers.


Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith Candidate Accountability Meeting — 7:00 PM, Thursday, 13 October 2011 at St. Jude Catholic Church (3800 Viking Drive, Bossier City).

Invited guests include candidates for area seats in the State Senate and House, who will answer questions concerning their intentions to work with Interfaith on the issues that have come up from their member institutions particularly workforce development, enforcement of rental property habitability standards at the state level, and improvement of public education.

Turnout is vital to ensure that Interfaith has a place at the table in the ongoing effort to make our community a better place for all.

Pam Raintree — October 2011 Volunteer of the Month

The word describing our October 2011 Volunteer of the Month is steadfastness.

Pam has been a member of All Souls since 2008, and has served the Church in a variety of ways for a much longer time.

Whether sharing her love of art with the children and youth of RE, sharing her personal story in whatever forum she has been called upon to do so; or sharing her time to reorganize our Interweave chapter, to serve on the Welcoming Congregation committee, and to coordinate the visual art exhibit for Artist Sunday, it is for this steadfast devotion to her art, to her cause, and to her Church that inspired the Council to select Pam Raintree as our October 2011 Volunteer of the Month.

Wednesday Brown Bag Talks Are Back

The Brown Bag series returns this Wednesday (5 October 2011) at 11:30 AM with educator Michael Phillips.

Mr. Phillips will be speaking on multiple learning styles.  Learn about the many different ways that people learn, and gain some insight into your own learning style. Bring your lunch and bring your friends.

And mark your calendars now for 12 October 2011 at 11:30 AM when we will feature the documentary Blue Gold which is about the increasing commercialization of water and its potential global effects in the years to come.

Blessing of the Animals Worship — 2 October 2011

Join us Sunday (2 October 2011) at 11:00 AM worship service for our annual Blessing of the Animals.

This is the one time each year when our members and friends are invited to bring their animal companions into the sanctuary for a service in celebration of our shared home in the interdependent web of all life. This is also a time to honor the memory of the pets who have gone on before us.

Continue reading “Blessing of the Animals Worship — 2 October 2011”