
“Gather the Spirit” — This Summer in the Religious Education Wing

Our summer program in the Religious Education Wing is “Gather the Spirit,” a multi-generational learning experience based on the theme of water as a great gift, critical at every level of being from the self to the universe.  Throughout the course of the summer, children and youth will transform a room into a river, as they learn about Seventh Principle Stewardship of our resources.

Many thanks to our Religious Education Chair Audrey Allen for putting together these summer sessions and also to Cherrie Groves.

Please see the RE Bulletin Board in the hall if you would like to sign up to help, or if you can bring specific items that will be needed for each session:

  • Scrap Fabric — Bring for 19 June 2011 and 26 June 2011
  • Newspaper — Bring by 24 June 2011
  • Paper Egg Cartons — Bring by 24 June 2011
  • Corks — Bring by 31 July 2011
  • Soda cans — Bring by 31 July 2011

If you have any of these items, please bring them to Room 2 in the RE Wing, or give them to any adult from the Allen or Lawrence household that you happen to see at church.

Interfaith Collective Leadership Meeting — 6:00 PM Thursday (16 June 2011) at Life Church

Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith’s monthly collective leadership meeting is 6:00 PM, Thursday night, 16 June 2011 at the Life Church, 2222 Meriwether Road, Shreveport, Louisiana.

The meeting will include planning for a 15 September 2011 Candidates Accountability Meeting in advance of the 22 October 2011 election, as well as a presentation on current pressures on the family and how Interfaith helps to strengthen families facing those pressures.

Hope to see you there!

No Phones or Internet at Church Today (Tuesday, 14 June 2011)

The following information is forwarded from Susan Caldwell (All Souls Director of Religious Education):

If you need to reach someone on the church staff today, you may call me at 318-465-3427. We are also checking the voice mail at the church, so if you left a message, we promise to return your call as soon as possible. A volunteer is in the office today until 2:00 p.m.

We apologize for any inconvenience, and we are trying to get our service restored as soon as possible. As has happened twice already since the road construction began, it is more than likely that the road crews have cut the phone lines again.