
Noel Food Pantry Donation Drive This Week (1 May 2021)

It’s the first Sunday of the month and Melissa Lewis will be in the grove  in front of the church from 2:00 to 4:00 PM on Sunday (1 May 2022) collecting food for the Noel United Methodist Food Pantry.

This month’s requests:

  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Canned tuna
  • Canned chicken
  • Saltine crackers

You can either bring your food donation to the 11:00 AM worship service or drop it by between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM.

Thanks in advance for helping hungry people in Northwest Louisiana.


Online Adult Religious Education — 1 May 2022

Please join us on Sunday (1 May 2022) at 9:00 AM for our adult religious education class via Zoom.

This Sunday we begin our work through the book Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad.

As the author says, “This is not a book you read, this is a book you do” and we will be discussing some of the journal prompts throughout the book.

Layla Saad is a black Muslim woman who was raised in the UK but who now lives in Qatar.  She has written, taught, and offered workshops to a global audience.

We will be discussing the journal prompts for days 12, 13, and 14 (all dealing with anti-blackness).

  • Day 12  — Racist Stereotypes
  • Day 13 — Cultural Appropriation
  • Day 14 — a review of Week 2 that lets us consider — among other questions — “what we now see that we cannot unsee.”

Children and Youth Religious Education (1 May 2022)

On this Sunday (1 May 2022), children and youth religious education classes will resume in person and will happen during our 11:00 AM worship service.

We will resume our pre-COVID practice where the children and youth will join us in the sanctuary for the first 15-20 minutes and then we will sing them out to their classes.

If your child does not want to go to class, that is also OK — our services are welcoming for all ages.

We will be starting out initially with two classes grouped by age / grade:

Elementary – Pre-K – 5th Grade (Teachers:  Ashford McLain and Kevin Henry) — Our theme is “Peace, Social Justice, and the Interdependent Web.”  This week the group will focus on our connections to other people in the interdependent web and begin a two-part special project for the important grownups in their lives.

Middle and High School (Teachers:  Ken Peterson and Eric First) — This Sunday the group will update any newcomers on the mural plans and continue their focus on climate change and environmental justice.

Note — We have not yet brought back nursery care for our littlest members and visitors who cannot yet be vaccinated for COVID.  However, babies and toddlers are welcome to stay with their parents in the sanctuary.  We are very understanding about baby sounds in worship.


United Way of Northwest Louisiana — May 2022 Give-Away-The-Plate Recipient

Our give-away-the-plate recipient for May 2022 is the United Way of Northwest Louisiana.

Each month we dedicate all of our non-pledge income to an organization doing the work that best embodies our Unitarian Universalist principles and values.

This time-honored national organization works locally to help children succeed in school, beginning with their participation in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, giving free books to children from birth to age 5 throughout the region, and continuing throughout the school years with support for each phase of the academic journey through graduation and beyond.

Their Bank On Northwest Louisiana program provides banking services and low-cost loans to underbanked individuals to help them avoid the payday lenders and improve their financial stability.

They have programs to improve access to health care for children and adults, and they work to meet immediate needs of people in crisis, whether from natural disasters or more personal crises such as domestic abuse.

Two ways to donate:

OnlineGo to our donation site using this link.  If you are paying your pledge, select “2022 Pledges” and enter that amount for your pledge contribution.  Then select “Collection Plate” to give the amount you would like to give to the United Way.  All online collection plate contributions for the month of May 2022 will go to the United Way.

Offline — Please send your give away the plate contribution checks to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106.  Please put “United Way” on the memo line of the check if  you want to have 100% of this check go to the United Way.  If you want less than 100% of the check to go to the United Way, please put the amount you want going to the United Way on the memo line.


Meditation with Larry Androes (30 April 2022)

Please join us on Saturday (30 April 2022) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.


24 April 2022 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 24 April 2022 worship video here.


17 April 2022 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 17 April 2022 worship video here.


10 April 2022 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 10 April 2022 worship video here.


3 April 2022 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 3 April 2022 worship video here.
