All Souls Annual Gala and Silent Auction — 26 October 2013

Our Annual Gala and Silent Auction starts at 6:00 PM tonight (Saturday, 26 October 2013).

Enjoy music from Professor Porkchop and the Dirty Dishes, a photo booth from Sharron Foster Photography, dinner from Lilah’s, and the chance to bid on nearly 100 items (antiques, gift cards, art, jewelry, and more).

The gala is happening at the church (9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA).

Tickets are $25.00 at the door.  See you there!

20 October 2013 Worship Service and Religious Education Classes

Please join us on Sunday (20 October 2013) at 10:30 AM for “Expressions of Conscience” — a worship service featuring performing artists in celebration of our fifth principle (the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process) as well as a visual art show and sale in the Religious Education wing.

At 9:00 AM, we will be hold our religious education classes for all ages. The Adult Class — “Broadening Your Unitarian Universalist Understanding – Deepening Your Journey” — will continue.  Our children and youth will begin their pillar on Jewish and Christian Heritage.

13 October 2013 Worship Service and Sunday Brunch

FifthPrinciplePlease join us on Sunday (13 October 2013) at 10:30 AM for “A People of Conscience, A People of Covenant” — an all-ages celebration of our fifth Principle presented by the children, youth, and adults of All Souls.

At 9:00 AM before the worship service, please join us for a celebratory brunch in our regular religious education class time slot.  Bring your favorite breakfast or brunch dish to share — whether you make it yourself or grab it along the way.  Religious education classes will return next week (Sunday, 20 October 2013).

12 October 2013 Building and Grounds Work Day

Please join us on Saturday (12 October 2013) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

There will be taasks for all ages and abilities.  Weather permitting — most tasks will be outdoors to be respectful of the wedding party (who have already done most of their decorating for the 4:00 PM wedding.  Come join us to make the church look awesome for our guests.

BOLT Training for Children and Youth

BOLT (Bearers of Light and Tradition) training for children and youth — Saturday (31 August 2013) at 1:00 PM (during the Paint Party).

Because our worship services now involve our entire multi-generational community each week, we will be seeking to involve more of our children and youth in the worship experience in ways befitting their ages, abilities and interests.

To that end, we plan to offer a second training this Saturday that will cover these various ceremonial tasks of worship:

  • Lighting candles for the Principles and Sources
  • Lighting the chalice
  • Speaking into the microphone /reading the chalice words and other readings
  • Taking the offering (Serving with our adult ushers)
  • Passing out orders of service / Greeting our members and guests (Serving with our adult greeters)

Parents, please encourage your children to take part in this session.  They will need to take the training before they can participate in the service in these ways.  We would like to make our worship services as much a community experience as possible.

If they are interested in the training but cannot make this session, don’t worry, we will do it again.

31 August 2013 Paint Party — Part II

PaintPartyAllSoulsThe All Souls Paint Party Part Deux is happening on Saturday (31 August 2013) at 10:00 AM.  It’s time to put the second coat on the hallway — We have the paint and supplies on hand — We just need the volunteers.

Wear your painting clothes.  Food will be provided.  Let us know if you will need child care.

Please advise the office if you are coming so we will have enough supplies and food.  Please bring painting supplies (brushes, drop cloths, rollers, trays, etc.) if you have them.

Introducing BOLTS (Bearers of Light and Tradition) — 17 August 2013

BOLTSBOLTS (Bearers of Light and Tradition) training for children and youth will happen on Saturday (17 August 2013) at 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.

Because our worship services will involve our entire multi-generational community each week, we will be seeking to involve more of our children and youth in the worship experience, in ways befitting their ages, abilities and interests. To that end, we plan to offer a training this Saturday that will cover these various ceremonial tasks of worship:

  • Lighting candles for the Principles and Sources
  • Lighting the chalice
  • Speaking into the microphone /reading the chalice words and other readings, reciting the Principles and Sources
  • Taking the offering (Serving with our adult ushers)
  • Passing out Orders of Service / Greeting our members and guests (Serving with our adult greeters)

Parents — please encourage your children and youth to take part in this session.  They will need to take the training before they can participate in the service in these ways.  We would like to make our worship services as much of a community experience as possible.  If they are interested in the training but cannot make this session, don’t worry, we will do it again.

Religious Education Teacher Training — 17 August 2013

AllSoulsREPillarsPlease join us on Saturday (17 August 2013) from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM for “Religious Education for Children and Youth:  Teacher Training.”

Please call/text Susan Caldwell at 318-465-3427 or email her if you want to sign up — also let her know if you will need child care.

If you’re not sure about teaching, attending the training is a good way to find out what’s involved.

Training Includes:

  • An overview of our curriculum, the philosophy behind it and tips on how to use it
  • Information on upcoming changes in RE and Worship
  • A “Supply Scavenger Hunt” to help you find things in the building
  • Tips on classroom management
  • An exploration of the spiritual development of children
  • Helpful information and interactive activities to illustrate multiple intelligences and learning styles, and a chance to find out your own!
  • A big pack of resources to reinforce what you learn, and to keep for later reference.
  • An overview of our Safety Policy and a presentation by Chris Chandler on developing our awareness of potential abuse situations in the lives of our children and youth.

11 August 2013 Worship Service and Swim Party

WaterDropPlease join us this Sunday (11 August 2013) at 11:00 AM for “The Deep End,” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  This is our annual Water Communion Service.  The All Souls Choir will sing and the Children and Youth will remain in the sanctuary to take part in the service.

Water communion is an end-of-summer tradition for us and many other Unitarian Universalist congregations.  We reunite bringing real and symbolic water from our experiences of the summer — whether far way, in our own backyards, or within our own hearts.  We are welcome, as we are so moved, to mingle our water into a common bowl with that of previous water ceremonies, and to share our stories.  We then boil, filter and freeze a portion of this combined water for use in child dedications, future water communions and other ceremonial occasions of our community.

Join us afterward for yet another water celebration, our annual Swim Party at the home of Laurie Lyons and Henry Walker (441 Drexel Drive, Shreveport LA) after the service until 3:00 PM.

Continue reading “11 August 2013 Worship Service and Swim Party”

10 August 2013 Building and Grounds Work Day and Religious Education Classroom Clean-up

On Saturday (10 August 2013) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, we will have our monthly building and grounds work day.

In the heat of August, this is a mostly an inside work day.  We will wash windows (inside and out), polish and wax the pulpit, altar table, pew ends and backs.

We will also clean out, purge and organize our Religious Education classrooms in preparation for the new church year.  Lots of tasks for all ages and abilities, so many hands will make much lighter work!