Effective 18 August 2013 — New Sunday Worship and Religious Education Schedule

Starting 18 August 2013, the Sunday schedule will be a full hour of Religious Education classes for children, youth, and adults (9:00 – 10:00 AM) with a half-hour break before we have our Sunday Worship (10:30 – 11:30 AM).

The Sunday Worship will be for all ages together in the sanctuary every Sunday.  We will still offer nursery care for all children under the age of 7 during the Sunday Worship.  The Religious Education classes for children and youth will cover the pre-school through high school age ranges — infants and toddlers will have nursery care during the Religious Education class time.

26-27 July 2013 Yard Sale — Church Playground Fundraiser

OperationPlaygroundAwesomeOn 26 and 27 July 2013 starting at 7:00 AM, we will be having a Garage Sale (145 Ockley Drive, Shreveport LA).  Proceeds will benefit OPA (Operation Playground Awesome).

To arrange for drop-off or for more information, email Robin or Jason Drury or call them at 318-564-7624.  Donate only clean, working items and children’s clothing in good conditions.

No adult clothing please — If you have adult clothing to donate, drop by the church office for some Goodwill bags to hold your donations for Goodwill.

13 July 2013 Building and Grounds Work Day

Please join us on Saturday (13 July 2013) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly Building and Grounds Work Day.

If you are new to the church, you may not realize that with only a few exceptions, all care and maintenance of the church building and grounds is done by volunteers … by us.  We have tasks for all ages and abilities, indoors and out.  Come spend an hour or two or the whole work day (you’ll still be done by 1:00 PM) and get to know more of your All Souls friends as you work together side by side.


Operation Playground Awesome will be continuing debris clearing efforts this Saturday in preparation for playground renovations.

Memorial Service for Dr. Raghunath Prasad Misra

RaghunathMisraA memorial celebration of the life of Dr Raghunath Misra will on Saturday (29 June 2013) at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary.  “Raghu” and his wife, Therese, joined the church in 1978, and have been very supportive of the church and its endeavors ever since.

Continue reading “Memorial Service for Dr. Raghunath Prasad Misra”

Dr. Raghunath Misra

RaghunathMisraWe are saddened to report the death of a longtime member of All Souls, Dr. Raghunath P. Misra, who passed away on Thursday, 20 June 2013.  “Raghu” and his wife Therese joined the church in 1978, and have been very supportive of the church and its endeavors ever since.

Continue reading “Dr. Raghunath Misra”

Change to June 2013 Building and Grounds Work Day

This month’s Building and Grounds Work Day is now Saturday (15 June 2013) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  This change is for the month of June 2013 only.

Our monthly Building and Grounds Work Day is normally scheduled for the second Saturday of each month.  There is a memorial service this afternoon for Cameron Varnell — and out of respect for Cameron’s family — we are moving the date of our work day for the month of June 2013.

Tie-Dye Sunday (9 June 2013)

Every year at All Souls, the Sunday before Father’s Day is Tie-Dye Sunday!  This is a fun way to make special gifts for Dads and other special grown-ups in the lives of our children.


Children and youth need to bring a 100% cotton t-shirt or other fabric item (pre-washed is better).  You may bring more than one item to dye but we will need to make sure that all supplies are shared adequately.  Adults and older youth who “know the drill” will be there to walk the children through the process.

Although we do have old t-shirts available as cover-ups, we heartily recommend dressing your children in old clothes and shoes for this project.  The dyes we use are strong and permanent.

Bill Johnston Memorial Service (13 June 2013)


The memorial service for Bill Johnston will happen this Thursday (13 June 2013), 7:00 PM at All Souls.

Bill passed away last week of natural causes. We will celebrate Bill’s life with a memorial service in the sanctuary followed by a sharing in the social hall of the fellowship he loved so much as a part of this church community.


12 May 2013 Worship

Please join us at 11:00 AM on 12 May 2013 — Robin Drury and Danette Moore will share their perspectives on motherhood as we honor the art of mothering.  The All Souls Choir will sing.

And be sure to join us the following week (19 May 2013) when we present the Ralph Waldo Emerson Award to Lillian Moskeland for her immigration work with the Sisters of Loretto.  We will also have an ingathering of new members next Sunday and a reception for our Emerson recipient following the service.