“High School Reunion” Silent Auction — 19 November 2011

“High School Reunion” is the theme of this year’s fabulous Silent Auction Party where the auction is silent, but the party is not!

Dress as you did in high school, or as you can dress to go to your high school reunion, or as you can dress as if you went to high school in the era of your choice, and meet us at Cohabitat (610 Commerce Street, Shreveport, Louisiana), 6:30 PM – 9:30 AM – Saturday, 19 November 2011.

Catering by A Stone’s Throw Cafe and music by Lip Service Trio and Twang Darkly.

Other entertainment by … oh, wait, that’s a surprise …

Tickets are $10.00 per person, and we are selling tickets — not just reservations.  They are for sale in the foyer, and you will want to bring your ticket with you to the auction, because …

Oh, wait … that’s a surprise, too …

Tons of fabulous items for bidding, which is where you come in!

Forms for making and soliciting donations will be available in the foyer when you buy your tickets.  Take a bunch!  We can make more!

21 August 2011 Worship

11:00 AM Sunday, 21 August 2011 — Rev. Barbara Jarrell is back in the pulpit.  Her sermon is “Unfamiliar Alliances.”

During the worship service, the children and youth will have a car wash to raise money for the playground fun.  Drop off your car before church, and have it washed by very conscientious and thorough young people supervised by very conscientious and thorough supportive adults.

Steve Caldwell and Abbas Moussaoui will be coordinating this car wash, so talk to them or contact Susan Caldwell if you can help.

Jim Scott Concert — 14 November 2010

Jim ScottJim Scott is an exciting acoustic guitarist, singer, and composer of music that furthers the ideals of ecology, justice, and peace, Jim makes an impact on hearts and minds across the world.

The concert will be this Sunday (14 November 2010) at 7:00 PM.  The suggested donation for this concert is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children ($25.00 max per family).