Building and Grounds Work Day — 10 December 2016

Please join us on Saturday (10 December 2016) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

This ginkgo tree pictured to the left is dedicated to the late Alan Mitchell — All Souls member and friend to many who in a single person, embodied much of the diversity found at All Souls.

In his sixties at the time of his passing, the Viet Nam veteran, Buddhist, gay man who to the end was trying to reconcile his eighty-something conservative Christian parents to those identities.  Alan was also a kind person in love with learning and concerned for all generations.

Alan’s tree is still in its glory for at least a few more days, but as you can see, it has joined its many tree companions in the spiritual practice of letting go that is autumn.

Blowing the leaves that blanket the parking lot is just one of many tasks available, indoors and out, to all ages and abilities at Building and Grounds Day at All Souls.

Come and help to take care of something you love about our surroundings here.

Vacuum the sanctuary, straighten the classroom, blow the leaves, clean the gutters, change the light bulbs (the ones we can reach), dust something, sort something, and enjoy being in community with your friends while you do it.

Stay a little while or the whole time. If you can’t stay, consider dropping off snacks for the crew.  Hope to see you tomorrow.

Congregational Meeting Announcement — 11 December 2016

From: James Peck (All Souls Board Secretary)
To: All Members, Inactive Members, and Friends

In accordance with the bylaws of our church and as Secretary of the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist church will hold a Congregational Meeting on Sunday (11 December 2016) at 12:15 PM in the sanctuary.


  • Presentation of the 2017 Budget for Congregational Approval
  • Selection of congregational appointees to the Nominating Committee.

Please make every effort to attend.

All active members should attend this meeting or give their proxies to those who can.

Inactive members and friends of the church are invited and encouraged to participate but by-laws stipulate that only those members who have been active 30 days or longer may vote.

We must have a quorum. Child care provided.

Building and Grounds Work Day — 19 November 2016

BuildingAndGroundsOur monthly building and grounds work day is happening on Saturday (19 November 2016) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Still needing all who can come, still offering tasks inside and outside, for all ages and abilities.  Other than some basic cleaning inside and mowing outside, all the work to maintain our building and grounds is done by US, the members and friends of the church.

Working together is a great way to get to know your church community a little better, and to feel a sense of ownership in the community as well.

Stay the whole time or just an hour or so, as your schedule permits. Can’t stay? Consider dropping off snacks for the crew.

Building and Grounds Day Moved to 19 November 2016

BuildingAndGroundsOur monthly building and grounds work day has been moved to next Saturday (19 November 2016) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

For November 2016 only — our monthly work day will be moved from its usual second Saturday to the third Saturday.

Still needing all who can come, still offering tasks inside and outside, for all ages and abilities.  Other than some basic cleaning inside and mowing outside, all the work to maintain our building and grounds is done by US, the members and friends of the church.

Working together is a great way to get to know your church community a little better, and to feel a sense of ownership in the community as well.

Stay the whole time or just an hour or so, as your schedule permits. Can’t stay? Consider dropping off snacks for the crew.

Building and Grounds Work Day — 8 October 2016

AllSoulsNatureTrailPlease join us for our monthly building and grounds work day — Saturday, 8 October 2016 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

With the exception of some basic lawn work and cleaning, most of the work of maintaining our building and grounds falls to us, the membership.

Once a month, we gather to do what needs to be done, inside and out.

There are tasks for all ages and abilities.

Come for the whole time, or for whatever length of time you can manage.

If you can’t stay, consider dropping off snacks for the crew.

Church Governance Religious Education Class — 21 August 2016

gavelPlease join us on Sunday (21 August 2016) at 9:15 AM as our Committee on Ministry continues a class on church governance.

Our congregational governance and polity is rooted in the history of our faith tradition — a history of congregations who govern themselves independently while still being a part of a larger association.

Join members of the Committee on Ministry to learn about the structures of church governance, our congregational bylaws, our covenant of right relations, and some basics on Robert’s Rules of Order.

This week, Bennett Upton will review the church bylaws.

For more information, contact John Ratcliff at 318-573-2733 or Susan Bettinger at 318-868-0863.

Church Governance Religious Education Class — 14 August 2016

gavelOn Sunday (14 August 2016) at 9:15 AM, the Committee on Ministry will offer a class on church governance at All Souls.

Our governance and congregational polity are rooted in the history of our faith tradition — a history of congregations who govern themselves independently while still being a part of a larger association.  This is also deeply rooted in our fifth Unitarian Universalist principle (“the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large”).

Join members of the Committee on Ministry to learn about the structures of church governance, our congregational by-laws, our Covenant of Right Relations, and some basics on Robert’s Rules of Order..

For more information, contact John Ratcliff at 318-573-2733 or Susan Bettinger at 318-868-0863.

17 July 2016 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

labyrinthPlease join us on Sunday (17 July 2016) at 11:00 AM for “Companions for the Journey” with Jennifer Russell, Neill Normand, and Ron Thurston.

About four times each year, we hold “Companions for the Journey” worship services to feature reflections from our members.

Jennifer Russell, Neill Normand, and Ron Thurston will each speak to us about the spiritual journey that brought them to All Souls, and the reasons they stay.  Cherrie Groves Moussaoui is Worship Associate.

We will also have an installation of new board members and a thank you to those departing as well as a new member book signing ceremony.

The summer fun activity for children and youth for this Sunday will be yoga with Robin Drury.

Spring Congregational Meeting (22 May 2016)

Our spring Congregational Meeting will happen on Sunday (22 May 2016) after the worship service.

On the agenda will be the election of the new board members.

Child care will be provided.

All of our business meetings are open to all.

However, you must be a member in order to vote.

Building and Grounds Work Day — 13 February 2016

Spring-Flowers-Feb-2016Please join us on Saturday (13 February 2016) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

Spring is starting to peek out here and there on the church grounds and the forecast for Saturday is “59 degrees and mostly sunny.”

So, it’s the perfect day to come out and join your All Souls friends to work together.

And if the great outdoors still isn’t calling you, there are plenty of tasks inside as well for all ages and abilities.

Remember that except for some basic cleaning and occasional major repairs, most of our building maintenance is done by the members and friends of All Souls.

Working side by side is a great way to get to build relationships and feel more a part of your All Souls community.  We hope to see you here.