Cursos de Español para la Justicia — Spanish Course for Justice!

We are two weeks into the course — our third class meeting is 28 February 2012.

There is no class on 21 February 2012 because of the Board and Council Meeting.  But if you would still like to join us, order your book from Amazon and speak to Virginia Villarreal about what you will need to do to catch up.

If you have not had Spanish before, you may have difficulty joining us after 28 February 2012 and may want to consider waiting until the course is offered again.


“Social Darwinism” Brown Bag Discussion — Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Please join us for “Social Darwinism is Alive and Well in America – And What Can We Do About It?” by Dr. Robert Jordan, Ph.D. this Wednesday (22 February 2012) from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Psychologist Dr. Bob Jordan explores the idea that some people in power who profess not to believe in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution still seem to have no problem subscribing to “Survival of the Fittest” as a way to run a society.

Bring your lunch and bring your friends. As always, the Brown Bag is free of charge and open to all.


2nd – 5th Grade Class Cookie and Bracelet Sale

This Sunday (5 February 2012) immediately after our worship service, please join us for this fundraiser presented by our children.

The 2nd – 5th Grade Class has been learning about the tradition of service in many of the world’s religions and our own Unitarian Universalist tradition.  They have decided to raise money for one cause close to home and one cause helping people in the wider world.

They will donate half their proceeds to Heifer International and the other half to the Erosion Abatement Project here at All Souls.

The sale will continue for the next two Sundays — culminating with the intergenerational worship service on 19 February 2012.


“Everything is Holy” — Southwest District Midwinter Retreat

This is a Winter Retreat with Singer/Songwriter Peter Mayer.  It’s happening from Friday, 10 February 2012 to Sunday, 12 February 2012.


Colonization, Privilege & Resistance Allies for Racial Equality Conference 2012

The Annual Allies for Racial Equity Conference (hosted by First Jefferson Unitarian Universalist Church, Ft Worth TX) is happening on 17-19 February 2012.

The annual conference will offer Unitarian Universalists who identify as white the opportunityto develop their anti-racist and anti-oppressive analysis and practice.  Whether this will be your first or fifteenth anti-racist conference, we will provide you an opportunity to learn, grow and explore how you can turn your commitment into action.

This conference featuring keynote speakers & workshops by Robert Jensen (University of Texas Journalism Professor and author of The Heart of Whiteness: Confronting Race, Racism and White Privilege) and Megan Dowdell (Starr King School for the Ministry Adjunct Professor and UU ministerial candidate).

More information can be found online here.


Basic Conversational Spanish Course

Basic Conversational Spanish — a 12 Week Course — will be coming soon to All Souls.

Unitarian Universalist Association President Rev. Peter Morales has recommended that Unitarian Universalists learn Spanish in preparation for this summer’s Justice General Assembly (GA) in Phoenix, Arizona (20-24 June 2012).

Whether you plan to attend GA or not, take this opportunity to broaden your linguistic and cultural horizons!

No one turned away – do not let money be a reason for not taking this course. On the other hand, if you are able to fund more than one book, you are welcome to do so.

Once you sign up, please write a separate check payable to All Souls (Memo: Spanish Books).  We will order the books from Amazon.  If you wish, you may order your own book from  Be sure and go through the Amazon Vendor Partnership Window on the church’s website so that the church gets a percentage.

Don’t Delay!!!  We have only 10 days left before classes begin!


Worship for Sunday, 22 January 2012

Please join us this Sunday at 11:00 AM to hear Imam Orsen El Amin of Masjid Al Taqwa in celebration of World Religion Day.

Then join us Sunday afternoon at the Highland Center from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM for the Shreveport-Bossier City World Religion Day event where we celebrate our diverse community of faith.

Next Sunday (29 January 2012), Rev. Barbara Jarrell will be in the pulpit.


World Religion Pillar — 8 January – 12 February 2012

This Sunday in Religious Education, we begin our multi-week exploration of world religions.

During this time, our children and youth will be learning about the various traditions from which we draw wisdom, as we explore our Third Source — Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life.

Learning the stories and teachings of other traditions is another way of learning more about our own, as we explore the way these stories relate to and reinforce our Unitarian Universalist Principles and values.


Basic Enneagram Workshop — 27-28 January 2012

The workshop is scheduled for Friday, 27 January 2012 from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM and Saturday, 28 January 2012 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

The Enneagram is a holistic approach to spiritual growth and an extraordinarily useful aid in better understanding ourselves and those who are important to us.  It explains why we can instantly bond with some people yet never really get along with others.

The Enneagram is a powerful “pair of glasses” which makes it possible for us to see ourselves and others with unique clarity.

The Basic Enneagram Workshop will:

  • Give a greater understanding of the motivation that prompts our behavior
  • Help us recognize our gifts and the gifts of others
  • Reveal the traps that can turn our gifts into compulsions
  • Show us our automatic and unconscious compulsions
  • Point out the directions we need to take to integrate our three energy systems-head, heart, and instincts


  • Mickie Cowan — Chaplain at Live Oak Retirement Community in Shreveport, studied at the Jung Institute in Switzerland
  • Maria O’Brien — Jungian-based psychotherapist and certified spiritual director in Fredericksburg TX, and co-author of Beyond the Castle’s Doors-A Soul Quest for the Holy Grail
  • Matt Woollett — Retreat Leader for Men’s Matters and is Chaplain at Hospice Compassus in Alexandria LA.

The $85.00 registration fee includes all workshop materials, lunch on Saturday and snacks.
