Please join us on Sunday at 11:00 AM for “Hope Within History” by Lady Carlson (Lead Organizer — Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith).
Category: Religious Education
21 July 2013 Worship Service
Please join us on Sunday (21 July 2013) at 11:00 AM for “The Land Between” by Rev. Lee A. Jeter, Sr.
We welcome to our pulpit the Rev. Jeter (Director of the Fuller Center for Housing of Northwest Louisiana and one of our community’s finest examples of our Unitarian Universalist Fourth Source in action).
Don’t miss the opportunity to hear this passionate speaker who is doing so much for the betterment of our community. The Fuller Center creates partnerships within communities that bring together churches, schools, businesses and civic organizations to build decent, affordable homes for people who are unable to secure adequate housing by conventional means.
In the Religious Education wing, the children and youth explore the Fourth Source of Unitarian Universalism (Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God’s love by loving our neighbors as ourselves).
14 July 2013 Worship Service
Please join us on Sunday (14 July 2013) at 11:00 AM for “The Death Penalty”by Michael Admirand. Michael Admirand comes to us from the Louisiana Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (LCADP). LCADP is a grassroots coalition seeking non-violent and effective alternatives to the death penalty as well as restorative ways to serve the families of murder victims.
All the music for this morning’s service will be provided by Sandra Odom and Laurie Lyons will serve as Worship Associate.
In the Religious Education wing, the children and youth will be exploring our Third Source, the Wisdom of World Religions. Pre-School through 5th will make Tibetan prayer flags and learn the story behind their origin, while Middle School and High School will have Tai Chi with Greg Guerin (who will also explore the Taoist roots of this ancient spiritual practice).
16 June 2013 Worship Service
Please joins us on Sunday (16 June 2013) at 11:00 AM for “Thoughts on Fatherhood” by Ron Thurston, Eric First, and Gary Baird with special music performed by Bob Jordan.
In celebration of Father’s Day, come and hear from three different fathers at three different places along this remarkable journey.
Tie-Dye Sunday (9 June 2013)
Every year at All Souls, the Sunday before Father’s Day is Tie-Dye Sunday! This is a fun way to make special gifts for Dads and other special grown-ups in the lives of our children.
Children and youth need to bring a 100% cotton t-shirt or other fabric item (pre-washed is better). You may bring more than one item to dye but we will need to make sure that all supplies are shared adequately. Adults and older youth who “know the drill” will be there to walk the children through the process.
Although we do have old t-shirts available as cover-ups, we heartily recommend dressing your children in old clothes and shoes for this project. The dyes we use are strong and permanent.
2 June 2013 Worship Service
“Kindling the Flame Within” — 11:00 AM Worship Service for 2 June 2013.
Join the children, youth, and adults of the congregation — along with the All Souls Choir — to celebrate the light within each and every one of us and the ways in which we can share that light with the wider world.
This is also a time when we celebrate the transitions of our children and youth, the end of our pillar on Personal Spiritual Growth, and the end of the 2012-2013 Religious Education year.
Don’t forget that this is the Sunday to bring back your Guest At Your Table boxes or envelopes for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. We will also take an additional collection for the Standing on the Side of Love Fund to benefit undocumented immigrant tornado victims in Oklahoma.
26 May 2013 Worship
Please join us this Sunday (26 May 2013) at 11:00 AM for “Who Goes There?” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell. We will also hear some fantastic music from our guests — Buddy Flett and Tim Brogan — and from the All Souls Choir. A Newcomer Information Session will follow the service.
Parents — please make every effort to have your children and youth in attendance for the next two Sundays.
7 April 2013 Worship Service
Please join us this Sunday (7 April 2013) at 11:00 AM for “The Bridge to Beloved Community.”
Think of our First and Seventh Principles as the two foundational pillars of a bridge that can lead us to be a powerfully loving and transformational community. Join the children, youth and adults of our congregation in this celebration of Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.
Legislative Agenda for Women: Next Steps (25 March 2013)
Please join us on Monday (25 March 2013) at 5:30 PM to discuss opportunities to collaborate with the Legislative Agenda for Women on the issues of pay equity, sexuality education, and Medicaid expansion.
This is a continuation of the 2013 Celebration of Women Week Law Forum event (“Is There a War on Women?”) — however, all are welcome to attend Monday’s event whether or not one attended the previous Law Forum event.
We will also discuss future opportunities for Planned Parenthood in Northwest Louisiana.
For more information, please contact:
- Frances Kelley (
- Melissa Flournoy (
3 March 2013 Worship Service
Please join us on Sunday (3 March 2013) at 11:00 AM for “Celebrating the Spirit of Women” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.