Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education (18 August 2024)

Please join us on Sunday (18 August 2024) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

Our dual-platform adult religious education class resumes this week with viewing and discussion of the PBS Documentary The Age of Nature.

The series shows how nature has the power to heal itself if given the opportunity, and how this healing process can be beneficial not only to the planet but also to the lives and livelihoods of the humans who share this home.

For this week,  we will watch Episode 2, Part 1 (“Understanding“).

The Game Changers Free Documentary Screening (15 September 2024)

Please join us on Sunday (15 September 2024) at 3:00 PM for a free screening of the documentary film The Game Changers followed by a discussion.

The Game Changers is a revolutionary documentary about meat, protein, and strength — this free documentary screening is sponsored by the All Souls Peace Alliance.

The documentary follows the story of a mixed martial arts fighter who faces some health challenges and discovers that everything he has been taught about protein and building strength has been wrong.  The team of executive producers includes James and Suzy Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jackie Chan.

The All Souls Peace Alliance is a group exploring veganism as a path to peace.  You need not be vegan in order to participate.  If you are vegan-curious or just wanting to add more vegan options to your diet, you are more than welcome.

Meditation with Larry Androes (17 August 2024)

Please join us on Saturday (17 August 2024) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This group will be meeting via Zoom and not in person.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

Summer Fun for Children and Youth (11 August 2024)

This Sunday’s summer fun activity during the 11:00 AM worship service is Salt Dough Bean Mosaic, Part II.

Some masterpieces not quite finished last week so salt dough mosaics are back by popular demand.

And anyone who wasn’t here to make one last week can make one this week.

Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education (11 August 2024)

Please join us on Sunday (11 August 2024) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

Our dual-platform adult religious education class resumes this week with viewing and discussion of the PBS Documentary The Age of Nature.

The series shows how nature has the power to heal itself if given the opportunity, and how this healing process can be beneficial not only to the planet but also to the lives and livelihoods of the humans who share this home.

For this week,  we will watch Episode 1, Part 2 (“Awakening“).

Meditation with Larry Androes (10 August 2024)

Please join us on Saturday (10 August 2024) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This group will be meeting via Zoom and not in person.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education (4 August 2024)

Please join us on Sunday (4 August 2024) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

Our dual-platform adult religious education class resumes this week with viewing and discussion of the PBS Documentary The Age of Nature.

The series shows how nature has the power to heal itself if given the opportunity, and how this healing process can be beneficial not only to the planet but also to the lives and livelihoods of the humans who share this home.

For this week,  we will watch Episode 1, Part 1 (“Awakening“).

Meditation with Larry Androes (3 August 2024)

Please join us on Saturday (3 August 2024) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This group will be meeting via Zoom and not in person.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

No Adult Religious Education This Sunday (28 July 2024) — Class Resumes Next Sunday (4 August 2024)

There will be no 9:00 AM adult religious education class this Sunday (28 July 2024).

The social hall will be set up for the visual art show and sale that is part of our annual Artist Sunday celebration.

Come and see it, shop our vendors, and attend the worship service!

The adult religious education class will resume on the following Sunday (4 August 2024) at 9:00 AM.

Summer Fun for Children and Youth (14 July 2024)

This Sunday’s summer fun activity during the 11:00 AM worship service is a collaborative project for the upcoming Artist Sunday event with Maggie Molisee.

Children and youth of all ages are invited to help with a group project to be displayed on Artist Sunday.

The picture may be a slight hint.