Middle and High School Youth Check-In (12 July 2020)

Any and all interested middle and high school youth are invited join a Zoom check-in next Sunday (12 July 2020) at 2:00 PM.

Join Noah Wagstaff and Susan Caldwell for a check-in with sharing of ideas on how you may want to stay connected this summer and beyond (and possibly a game or two).

If you have suggestions for games that have worked well on Zoom, let us know.

We hope to see you soon!

Zoom Lunch (15 July 2020)

Please join us next Wednesday (15 July 2020) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

This a chance to connect and catch up midweek.

At some point we may decide to bring in speakers but for now we’re just hanging out and enjoying each other’s virtual company.

Hope to see you there!

5 July 2020 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 5 July 2020 worship video here.

Online All-Ages Worship (5 July 2020)

Please join us for our 5 July 2020 Sunday worship at 11:00 AM for the presentation of the Ralph Waldo Emerson Award to Dr. Pamela McPherson.

Our service will be livestreamed on Facebook Live here.

We will have a  virtual coffee hour reception after the service for Dr. McPherson on Zoom.

The Emerson Award is given annually by the congregation of All Souls to the individual or organization from the wider community who has exemplified the Principles and values of liberal religion. Continue reading “Online All-Ages Worship (5 July 2020)”

Middle and High School Youth Check-In (12 July 2020)

Any and all interested middle and high school youth are invited join a Zoom check-in next Sunday (12 July 2020) at 2:00 PM.

Join Noah Wagstaff and Susan Caldwell for a check-in with sharing of ideas on how you may want to stay connected this summer and beyond (and possibly a game or two).

If you have suggestions for games that have worked well on Zoom, let us know.

We hope to see you soon!

Zoom Lunch (8 July 2020)

Please join us next Wednesday (8 July 2020) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

This a chance to connect and catch up midweek.

At some point we may decide to bring in speakers but for now we’re just hanging out and enjoying each other’s virtual company.

Hope to see you there!

28 June 2020 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 28 June 2020 worship video here.

Online All-Ages Worship (28 June 2020)

Please join us on Sunday (28 June 2020) at 11:00 AM for “Out of the Middle” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Rev Barbara has been at the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly this week and is bringing back some thoughts to share.

Our service will be livestreamed on Facebook Live here.

While we are remaining physically distant, we want to know how you are doing, what you need, and what you are interested in.  You can let us know using these online surveys.

And you can contribute to All Souls using this online resource.

No Online Adult Religious Education This Sunday (28 June 2020) — Watch UUA General Assembly Sunday Worship

There is no adult religious education class this Sunday morning (28 June 2020).

Instead, we have an opportunity to watch the UUA General Assembly 2020 Sunday Morning Worship at 9:00 AM CDT via livestream video.

The livestream video will be available at 9:00 AM CDT with a playback available at noon CDT if you decide to sleep in.

Our Sunday morning adult religious education class will resume next Sunday (5 July 2020) at 9:15 AM.

21 June 2020 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 21 June 2020 worship video here.