
3 January 2021 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 3 January 2021 worship video here.


Meditation with Larry Androes (9 January 2021)

Please join us on Saturday (9 January 2021) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.


Online All-Ages Worship (3 January 2021)

Eternal Balance by James Marvin Phelps. Taken at the Toadstools, Grand Staircase, Escalante National Monument UT.

Please join us this Sunday (3 January 2021) at 11:00 AM for “Ever New and Better Balance” with Rev. Barbara Jarrell and friends (Amanda Lawrence, Valerie Loridans, Janis Gabriel, Susan Caldwell, Ken Peterson, Cole Loggins, Lily Loggins, and John Loggins).

Our service will be livestreamed on Facebook Live here.

Join us to hear some different perspectives on finding balance in this New Year.

We will have a  virtual coffee hour after the service on Zoom.

While we are remaining physically distant, we want to know how you are doing, what you need, and what you are interested in.  You can let us know using these online surveys.

And you can contribute to All Souls using this online resource.


Online Religious Education for Children (3 January 2021)

Please join us this Sunday (3 January 2021) at 1:00 PM for our weekly family religious education online class via Zoom.

The Zoom link will be on the All Souls Religious Education Facebook group and on the church’s Slack General channel.

Our family religious education class is back from our holiday break.

In keeping with the theme of today’s worship service, we’ll take another look at the story of Rabbi Simcha and the Two Pockets and also do some fun stuff with the idea of finding balance.

We moved our next children’s play day to next Saturday (9 January 2021 at 11:00 AM) via Zoom.

Watch for the link in all the usual places — we love to see our All Souls kids and parents too.


Online Adult Religious Education — 3 January 2021

Please join us on Sunday (3 January 2021) at 9:30 AM for our adult religious education class (please note that we are changing back to our regular time for this class).

We will be meeting via Zoom.

What is Sikhism? — We begin the New Year with this unit exploring our third source (“Wisdom of the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life”).

We’ll begin with Sikhism.

There are more Sikhs in the USA than Unitarian Universalists but what do we know of this tradition that originated in 15th century India?

Join us as we endeavor to find out more.


Zoom Lunch (6 January 2021)

Please join us next Wednesday (6 January 2021) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

This a chance to connect and catch up midweek.

At some point we may decide to bring in speakers but for now we’re just hanging out and enjoying each other’s virtual company.

Hope to see you there!


First Sunday Food Pantry Day (3 January 2021)

Melissa Lewis will be outside in front of the church collecting food for Noel United Methodist Church Food Pantry on Sunday afternoon (3 January 2021) from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

Requested foods this month:

  • Cheese/peanut butter crackers
  • Tuna in pop top cans
  • Vienna sausages in pop top cans
  • 8 oz. juice boxes
  • Fruit cups and/or applesauce cups
  • Assortments of small cereal boxes
  • Breakfast bars
  • Pop Tarts

As always, the process will be contactless and you can place your bags of food into the hatch of her car.


27 December 2020 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 27 December 2020 worship video here.


Online All-Ages Worship (27 December 2020)

Please join us on Sunday (27 December 2020) at 11:00 AM for “A Little Wisdom Along the Way” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell with Eric First, Kathy Osuch, Bennett Upton, Diana Teeters, and Susan Caldwell.

As we enter the New Year, we will hear bits of wisdom that have sustained some of our members as well as some wisdom from one of the best sources around — children’s literature.

Our service will be livestreamed on Facebook Live here.

We will have a  virtual coffee hour after the service on Zoom.

While we are remaining physically distant, we want to know how you are doing, what you need, and what you are interested in.  You can let us know using these online surveys.

And you can contribute to All Souls using this online resource.


No Online Religious Education for Children (27 December 2020 only)

Our family religious education Zoom class is taking a holiday break as well, but watch this space and other communication on Facebook and Slack from All Souls for news on the winter holiday edition of the kids play day on Zoom.

The tentative date for our next kids play date is Saturday (2 January 2021) time TBA.

Regular family religious education sessions will resume after the first of the year on Sundays at 1:00 PM unless we find a time that works better for more people.

Again, watch this space and all other online places for religious education updates for any upcoming changes.

Please email Susan Caldwell (All Souls Director of Religious Education) if you want to know when the next play date is happening.
