
New UU Class Continues 31 May 2020

The “New UU” adult religious education class will be meeting this Sunday (31 May 2020) at 1:00 PM via Zoom.

Bennett is once again offering this class for new and not-so-new members alike.

As a member of a congregation, the power within our faith tradition lies with you.

Today’s session explores the rights and responsibilties of holding that power.

If you’re interested, email Bennett and he will send you a link to join the class.


Zoom Lunch (3 June 2020)

Please join us next Wednesday (3 June 2020) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

This a chance to connect and catch up midweek.

At some point we may decide to bring in speakers but for now we’re just hanging out and enjoying each other’s virtual company.

Hope to see you there!


Great Decisions Group Meeting Tonight (30 May 2020)

The Great Decisions Group is meeting online on Saturday night  (30 May 2020) at 6:00 PM.

Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs, sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association.

If you are interested in being a part of the group, email Melodie here and she will send you the link for the meeting.


24 May 2020 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 24 May 2020 worship video here.


Online All-Ages Worship (24 May 2020)

Please join us on Sunday (24 May 2020) at 11:00 AM for “Re-imagining” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Imagine the turns this service might take, and then join us to find out!

Our service will be livestreamed on Facebook Live here.

If you’re on Facebook, just enter All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church- Shreveport, Louisiana in the search bar and go to the All Souls Facebook page around 10:55 to join in.

Because the All Souls Facebook page is a public page, you should be able to see the worship service whether or not you have a Facebook account.

You do need a Facebook account to “like” and comment on the worship service.

While we are remaining physically distant, we want to know how you are doing, what you need, and what you are interested in.  You can let us know using these online surveys.

And you can contribute to All Souls using this online resource.


Online Religious Education for Children and Youth (24 May 2020)

Please join us for our online religious education for children and youth this Sunday (24 May 2020) — we will start this online Zoom classroom about 5 minutes after our worship service is over.

The Zoom link  for this group will be found on the All Souls Religious Education Facebook Group.

If you aren’t on Facebook, send Susan an email or text Susan at 318-465-3427 and she will send you the Zoom link for the session.

This Sunday — Imagination as a spiritual practice.

We can still use your art work illustrating our principles and sources (especially the 3rd and 4th principles):

  • How people act when they support each other and learn together
  • How people act when they are free to search for truth in their own lives

You can post it on the All Souls Religious Education Facebook Group or email it to Susan.


Annual Spring Congregational Meeting — 24 May 2020 (Updated)

Our annual spring congregational meeting will be conducted online via Zoom on Sunday (24 May 2020) at 1:00 PM

Agenda — Election of new Board members and new Committee on Ministry members.

New Board Members and terms are:

  • Vice President: Amanda Lawrence (June 2022)
  • Secretary: Kathy Osuch (June 2022)
  • Dawn Subasic (at-large, June 2022)
  • Steve Nicksic (at-large, June 2022)
  • Ken Peterson (at-large, June 2022)

Current members remaining on the Board are Bennett Upton (President, June 2021), Rebecca Tuggle (Treasurer, June 2021), Ernie Cowger (At-Large, June 2021).

New Committee on Ministry Members and Terms are:

  • Sally Wood (June 2023)
  • Bob Jordan (June 2022)
  • Melodie Armstrong (June 2023)

Current members remaining on the Committee on Ministry are Leigh Anne Chambers (June 2021), Jennifer Russell (June 2022), and Judy Cantil (June 2022)

Congregational meetings are open to all, though only active members of 30 days standing or longer can vote.


Online Adult Religious Education — 24 May 2020

Please join us on Sunday (24 May 2020) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class via Zoom.

We will be sting Faith Forward:  Spiritual Practice with “Session 4 — Prayer.”

This is a re-attempt at last week’s class that was cancelled due to an unscheduled Zoom videoconferencing outage.

We will explore questions like “what is prayer?” and “what is prayer for you?”

The first question may have several definitions in the dictionary but the second one is very much your own.

I am including this passage from Anne Lamott as a way of reassuring you that all are included in this session regardless of one’s relationship to a higher power or lack thereof:

You may in fact be wondering what I even mean when I use the word “prayer.”  It is communication from the heart to that which surpasses understanding. Let’s say it is communication from one’s heart to God.  Or if that is too triggering or ludicrous a concept for you, to the Good, the force that is beyond our comprehension but that in our pain or supplication or relief we don’t need to define or have proof of or any established contact with.  Let’s say it is what the Greeks called the Really Real, what lies within us, beyond the scrim of our values, positions, convictions, and wounds.  Or let’s say it is a cry from deep within to Life or Love, with capital L’s.

So let’s say it is any and all of those things plus whatever it is for you.

And if it’s nothing for you, we want to talk about that too.

See you on Sunday.


Zoom Lunch (27 May 2020)

Please join us next Wednesday (27 May 2020) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

This a chance to connect and catch up midweek.

At some point we may decide to bring in speakers but for now we’re just hanging out and enjoying each other’s virtual company.

Hope to see you there!
